Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: The landscape of low-threshold dark matter direct detection in the next decade

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Rouven Essig, Graham K. Giovanetti, Noah Kurinsky, Dan McKinsey, Karthik Ramanathan | Summary: The search for particle-like dark matter with meV-to-GeV masses has developed rapidly in the past few years. We summarize the science case for these searches, the recent progress, and the exciting upcoming opportunities. Funding […]

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Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: The landscape of low-threshold dark matter direct detection in the next decade

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Rouven Essig, Graham K. Giovanetti, Noah Kurinsky, Dan McKinsey, Karthik Ramanathan | Summary: The search for particle-like dark matter with meV-to-GeV masses has developed rapidly in the past few years. We summarize the science case for these searches, the recent progress, and the exciting upcoming opportunities. Funding […]

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Inflation: Theory and Observations

Kavli Affiliate: W. L. Kimmy Wu | First 5 Authors: Ana AchĂșcarro, Matteo Biagetti, Matteo Braglia, Giovanni Cabass, Emanuele Castorina | Summary: Cosmic inflation provides a window to the highest energy densities accessible in nature, far beyond those achievable in any realistic terrestrial experiment. Theoretical insights into the inflationary era and its observational probes may […]

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Inflation: Theory and Observations

Kavli Affiliate: W. L. Kimmy Wu | First 5 Authors: Ana AchĂșcarro, Matteo Biagetti, Matteo Braglia, Giovanni Cabass, Robert Caldwell | Summary: Cosmic inflation provides a window to the highest energy densities accessible in nature, far beyond those achievable in any realistic terrestrial experiment. Theoretical insights into the inflationary era and its observational probes may […]

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Electric dipole moments and the search for new physics

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham | First 5 Authors: Ricardo Alarcon, Jim Alexander, Vassilis Anastassopoulos, Takatoshi Aoki, Rick Baartman | Summary: Static electric dipole moments of nondegenerate systems probe mass scales for physics beyond the Standard Model well beyond those reached directly at high energy colliders. Discrimination between different physics models, however, requires complementary searches in […]

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Electric dipole moments and the search for new physics

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham | First 5 Authors: Ricardo Alarcon, Jim Alexander, Vassilis Anastassopoulos, Takatoshi Aoki, Rick Baartman | Summary: Static electric dipole moments of nondegenerate systems probe mass scales for physics beyond the Standard Model well beyond those reached directly at high energy colliders. Discrimination between different physics models, however, requires complementary searches in […]

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Snowmass 2021 CMB-S4 White Paper

Kavli Affiliate: Salman Habib, Katrin Heitmann, Lindsey Bleem, Karen Byrum, Erik Shirokoff, John E. Carlstrom, Bradford A. Benson, Chao-Lin Kuo, Richard Hills | First 5 Authors: Kevork Abazajian, Arwa Abdulghafour, Graeme E. Addison, Peter Adshead, Zeeshan Ahmed | Summary: This Snowmass 2021 White Paper describes the Cosmic Microwave Background Stage 4 project CMB-S4, which is […]

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Snowmass2021 Theory Frontier White Paper: Data-Driven Cosmology

Kavli Affiliate: Risa Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Mustafa A. Amin, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Tim Eifler, Raphael Flauger, Mikhail M. Ivanov | Summary: Over the past few decades, astronomical and cosmological data sets firmly established the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics by providing strong evidence for the existence of dark matter, […]

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Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: Modeling, statistics, simulations, and computing needs for direct dark matter detection

Kavli Affiliate: Maria Elena Monzani | First 5 Authors: Yonatan Kahn, Maria Elena Monzani, Kimberly J. Palladino, Tyler Anderson, Deborah Bard | Summary: This paper summarizes the modeling, statistics, simulation, and computing needs of direct dark matter detection experiments in the next decade. | Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Maria Elena Monzani”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10 Read More

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Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: Modeling, statistics, simulations, and computing needs for direct dark matter detection

Kavli Affiliate: Concetta Cartaro | First 5 Authors: Yonatan Kahn, Maria Elena Monzani, Kimberly J. Palladino, Tyler Anderson, Deborah Bard | Summary: This paper summarizes the modeling, statistics, simulation, and computing needs of direct dark matter detection experiments in the next decade. | Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Concetta Cartaro”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3 Read More

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