Testing High-Energy Emission Models for Blazars with X-ray Polarimetry

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: Abel L. Peirson, Ioannis Liodakis, Roger W. Romani, , | Summary: Both leptonic and hadronic emission processes may contribute to blazar jet emission; which dominates in blazars’s high energy emission component remains an open question. Some intermediate synchrotron peaked blazars transition from their low to high […]

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Investigating the sources of low-energy events in a SuperCDMS-HVeV detector

Kavli Affiliate: D. B. Macfarlane | First 5 Authors: SuperCDMS Collaboration, M. F. Albakry, I. Alkhatib, D. W. P. Amaral, T. Aralis | Summary: Recent experiments searching for sub-GeV/$c^2$ dark matter have observed event excesses close to their respective energy thresholds. Although specific to the individual technologies, the measured excess event rates have been consistently […]

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Astrometric Gravitational-Wave Detection via Stellar Interferometry

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Michael A. Fedderke, Peter W. Graham, Bruce Macintosh, Surjeet Rajendran, | Summary: We evaluate the potential for gravitational-wave (GW) detection in the frequency band from 10 nHz to 1 $mu$Hz using extremely high-precision astrometry of a small number of stars. In particular, we argue that non-magnetic, photometrically […]

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Searching for axion-like time-dependent cosmic birefringence with SPT-3G

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: K. R. Ferguson, A. J. Anderson, N. Whitehorn, P. A. R. Ade, M. Archipley | Summary: Ultralight axion-like particles (ALPs) are compelling dark matter candidates because of their potential to resolve small-scale discrepancies between $Lambda$CDM predictions and cosmological observations. Axion-photon coupling induces a polarization rotation in linearly […]

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Searching for axion-like time-dependent cosmic birefringence with data from SPT-3G

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: K. R. Ferguson, A. J. Anderson, N. Whitehorn, P. A. R. Ade, M. Archipley | Summary: Ultralight axionlike particles (ALPs) are compelling dark matter candidates because of their potential to resolve small-scale discrepancies between $Lambda$CDM predictions and cosmological observations. Axion-photon coupling induces a polarization rotation in linearly […]

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The Latest Constraints on Inflationary B-modes from the BICEP/Keck Telescopes

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: BICEP/Keck Collaboration, :, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, M. Amiri | Summary: For the past decade, the BICEP/Keck collaboration has been operating a series of telescopes at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station measuring degree-scale $B$-mode polarization imprinted in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by primordial gravitational […]

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Snowmass 2021: Superconducting Sensor Fabrication Capabilities for HEP Science

Kavli Affiliate: Dale Li | First 5 Authors: Thomas Cecil, Clarence L. Chang, Shannon M. Duff, Dale Li, Rupak Mahapatra | Summary: Superconducting sensors are a key enabling technology for many HEP experiments with advances in sensor capabilities leading directly to expanded science reach. The unique materials and processes required for the fabrication of these […]

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Snowmass 2021: Superconducting Sensor Fabrication Capabilities for HEP Science

Kavli Affiliate: Dale Li | First 5 Authors: Thomas Cecil, Clarence L. Chang, Shannon M. Duff, Dale Li, Rupak Mahapatra | Summary: Superconducting sensors are a key enabling technology for many HEP experiments with advances in sensor capabilities leading directly to expanded science reach. The unique materials and processes required for the fabrication of these […]

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Stringent $σ_8$ constraints from small-scale galaxy clustering using a hybrid MCMC+emulator framework

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Sihan Yuan, Lehman H. Garrison, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Risa H. Wechsler, | Summary: We present a novel simulation-based hybrid emulator approach that maximally derives cosmological and Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) information from non-linear galaxy clustering, with sufficient precision for DESI Year 1 (Y1) analysis. Our hybrid […]

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