Transport of Cosmic ray electrons from 1 AU to the Sun

Kavli Affiliate: Vahe Petrosian | First 5 Authors: Vahe’ Petrosian, Elena Orlando, Andrew Strong, , | Summary: Gamma rays are produced by cosmic ray (CR) protons interacting with the particles at solar photosphere and by cosmic ray electrons and positrons (CRes) via inverse Compton scattering of solar photons. The former come from the solar disk […]

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Background Determination for the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Dark Matter Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: C. M. Ignarra | First 5 Authors: J. Aalbers, D. S. Akerib, A. K. Al Musalhi, F. Alder, S. K. Alsum | Summary: The LUX-ZEPLIN experiment recently reported limits on WIMP-nucleus interactions from its initial science run, down to $6.5times10^{-48}$ cm$^2$ for the spin-independent interaction of a 30 GeV/c$^2$ WIMP at 90% confidence […]

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Background Determination for the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Dark Matter Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: C. M. Ignarra | First 5 Authors: J. Aalbers, D. S. Akerib, A. K. Al Musalhi, F. Alder, S. K. Alsum | Summary: The LUX-ZEPLIN experiment recently reported limits on WIMP-nucleus interactions from its initial science run, down to $9.2times10^{-48}$ cm$^2$ for the spin-independent interaction of a 36 GeV/c$^2$ WIMP at 90% confidence […]

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Inferring Maps of the Sun’s Far-side Unsigned Magnetic Flux from Far-side Helioseismic Images using Machine Learning Techniques

Kavli Affiliate: J. Todd Hoeksema | First 5 Authors: Ruizhu Chen, Junwei Zhao, Shea Hess Webber, Yang Liu, J. Todd Hoeksema | Summary: Accurate modeling of the Sun’s coronal magnetic field and solar wind structures require inputs of the solar global magnetic field, including both the near and far sides, but the Sun’s far-side magnetic […]

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Hierarchical Inference of the Lensing Convergence from Photometric Catalogs with Bayesian Graph Neural Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Ji Won Park, Simon Birrer, Madison Ueland, Miles Cranmer, Adriano Agnello | Summary: We present a Bayesian graph neural network (BGNN) that can estimate the weak lensing convergence ($kappa$) from photometric measurements of galaxies along a given line of sight. The method is of particular interest […]

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Hierarchical Inference of the Lensing Convergence from Photometric Catalogs with Bayesian Graph Neural Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Aaron Roodman | First 5 Authors: Ji Won Park, Simon Birrer, Madison Ueland, Miles Cranmer, Adriano Agnello | Summary: We present a Bayesian graph neural network (BGNN) that can estimate the weak lensing convergence ($kappa$) from photometric measurements of galaxies along a given line of sight. The method is of particular interest in […]

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The giant low surface brightness galaxy Malin 1: new constraints for its molecular gas mass from GBT/ARGUS observations

Kavli Affiliate: Sarah Church | First 5 Authors: Gaspar Galaz, David T. Frayer, Matias BlaƱa, J. Christopher Howk, Thomas Puzia | Summary: We report on results from GBT/ARGUS $^{12}$CO(1-0) observations for the giant low surface brightness galaxy Malin 1, which allow us to determine an upper limit for its CO mass, and hence its molecular […]

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Can 1D radiative equilibrium models of faculae be used for calculating contamination of transmission spectra?

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Cameron | First 5 Authors: Veronika Witzke, Alexander I. Shapiro, Nadiia M. Kostogryz, Robert Cameron, Benjamin V. Rackham | Summary: The reliable characterization of planetary atmospheres with transmission spectroscopy requires realistic modeling of stellar magnetic features, since features that are attributable to an exoplanet atmosphere could instead stem from the host star’s […]

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Full forward model of galaxy clustering statistics with AbacusSummit lightcones

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Sihan Yuan, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Tom Abel, , | Summary: Novel summary statistics beyond the standard 2-point correlation function (2PCF) are necessary to capture the full astrophysical and cosmological information from the small-scale (r < 30Mpc/h) galaxy clustering. However, the analysis of beyond-2PCF statistics on small scales is […]

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Full forward model of galaxy clustering statistics with AbacusSummit lightcones

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Sihan Yuan, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Tom Abel, , | Summary: Novel summary statistics beyond the standard 2-point correlation function (2PCF) are necessary to capture the full astrophysical and cosmological information from the small-scale (r < 30Mpc/h) galaxy clustering. However, the analysis of beyond-2PCF statistics on small scales is […]

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