Bayesian inference of strangeon matter using the measurements of PSR J0437-4715 and GW190814

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Wen-Li Yuan, Chun Huang, Chen Zhang, Enping Zhou, Renxin Xu | Summary: The observations of compact star inspirals from LIGO/Virgo combined with mass and radius measurements from NICER provide a valuable tool to study the highly uncertain equation of state (EOS) of dense matter at the densities […]

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Constraining the Binarity of Massive Black Holes in the Galactic Center and Some Nearby Galaxies via Pulsar Timing Array Observations of Gravitational Waves

Kavli Affiliate: Qingjuan Yu | First 5 Authors: Xiao Guo, Qingjuan Yu, Youjun Lu, , | Summary: Massive black holes (MBHs) exist in the Galactic center (GC) and other nearby galactic nuclei. As natural outcome of galaxy mergers, some MBHs may have a black hole (BH) companion. In this paper, assuming that the MBHs in […]

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Understanding World or Predicting Future? A Comprehensive Survey of World Models

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Jingtao Ding, Yunke Zhang, Yu Shang, Yuheng Zhang, Zefang Zong | Summary: The concept of world models has garnered significant attention due to advancements in multimodal large language models such as GPT-4 and video generation models such as Sora, which are central to the pursuit of artificial […]

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Reanalyzing the ringdown signal of GW150914 using the F-statistic method

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Hai-Tian Wang, Ziming Wang, Yiming Dong, Garvin Yim, Lijing Shao | Summary: The ringdown phase of a gravitational wave (GW) signal from a binary black hole merger provides valuable insights into the properties of the final black hole and serves as a critical test of general relativity […]

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Identifying the Galactic Substructures in 5D Space Using All-sky RR Lyrae Stars in Gaia DR3

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Shenglan Sun, Fei Wang, Huawei Zhang, Xiang-Xiang Xue, Yang Huang | Summary: Motivated by the vast gap between photometric and spectroscopic data volumes, there is great potential in using 5D kinematic information to identify and study substructures of the Milky Way. We identify substructures in the Galactic […]

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Orbital Description of Landau Levels

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Huan Wang, Rui Shi, Zhaochen Liu, Jing Wang, | Summary: We construct a minimal lattice model to provide an orbital description of lowest and first Landau levels. With the maximally localized Wannier functions with $s$, $p_-$, $p_+$ orbital characteristics, a three-orbital model is developed, where the lowest […]

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Sample path properties and small ball probabilities for stochastic fractional diffusion equations

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Yuhui Guo, Jian Song, Ran Wang, Yimin Xiao, | Summary: We consider the following stochastic space-time fractional diffusion equation with vanishing initial condition:$$ partial^{beta} u(t, x)=- left(-Deltaright)^{alpha / 2} u(t, x)+ I_{0+}^{gamma}left[dot{W}(t, x)right],quad tin[0,T],: x in mathbb{R}^d,$$ where $alpha>0$, $betain(0,2)$, $gammain[0,1)$, $left(-Deltaright)^{alpha/2}$ is the fractional/power of Laplacian […]

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Continuous gravitational waves from thermal mountains on accreting neutron stars: effect of the nuclear pasta phase

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Hong-Bo Li, Lijing Shao, Cheng-Jun Xia, Ren-Xin Xu, | Summary: As density increases, the shape of nuclei transitions to non-spherical “nuclear pasta" structures. The physical properties of the nuclear pasta, such as thermal conductivity and elasticity, have implications for detecting continuous gravitational waves from a rapidly rotating […]

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Accuracy of Stellar Mass-to-light Ratios of Nearby Galaxies in the Near-Infrared

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Taehyun Kim, Minjin Kim, Luis C. Ho, Yang A. Li, Woong-Seob Jeong | Summary: Future satellite missions are expected to perform all-sky surveys, thus providing the entire sky near-infrared spectral data and consequently opening a new window to investigate the evolution of galaxies. Specifically, the infrared […]

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Wireless Resource Allocation with Collaborative Distributed and Centralized DRL under Control Channel Attacks

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Wanchun Liu, Teng Joon Lim, , | Summary: In this paper, we consider a wireless resource allocation problem in a cyber-physical system (CPS) where the control channel, carrying resource allocation commands, is subjected to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. We propose a novel concept of collaborative distributed […]

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