The GALPROP Cosmic-ray Propagation and Non-thermal Emissions Framework: Release v57

Kavli Affiliate: Igor V. Moskalenko | First 5 Authors: Troy A. Porter, Gudlaugur Johannesson, Igor V. Moskalenko, , | Summary: The past decade has brought impressive advances in the astrophysics of cosmic rays (CRs) and multiwavelength astronomy, thanks to the new instrumentation launched into space and built on the ground. Modern technologies employed by those […]

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Next Generation Observatories — Report from the Dawn VI Workshop; October 5-7 2021

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Lantz | First 5 Authors: D. H. Shoemaker, Stefan Ballmer, Matteo Barsuglia, E. Berger, Emanuele Berti | Summary: The workshop Dawn VI: Next Generation Observatories}took place online over three days, 5-7 October, 2021. More than 200 physicists and astronomers attended to contribute to, and learn from, a discussion of next-generation ground-based gravitational-wave […]

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Next Generation Observatories — Report from the Dawn VI Workshop; October 5-7 2021

Kavli Affiliate: Rainer Weiss | First 5 Authors: D. H. Shoemaker, Stefan Ballmer, Matteo Barsuglia, E. Berger, Emanuele Berti | Summary: The workshop Dawn VI: Next Generation Observatories took place online over three days, 5-7 October, 2021. More than 200 physicists and astronomers attended to contribute to, and learn from, a discussion of next-generation ground-based […]

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Next Generation Observatories — Report from the Dawn VI Workshop; October 5-7 2021

Kavli Affiliate: Rainer Weiss | First 5 Authors: D. H. Shoemaker, Stefan Ballmer, Matteo Barsuglia, E. Berger, Emanuele Berti | Summary: The workshop Dawn VI: Next Generation Observatories took place online over three days, 5-7 October, 2021. More than 200 physicists and astronomers attended to contribute to, and learn from, a discussion of next-generation ground-based […]

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Primordial Black Hole Formation in Non-Minimal Curvaton Scenario

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Shi Pi, Misao Sasaki, , , | Summary: In the curvaton scenario, the curvature perturbation is generated after inflation at the curvaton decay, which may have a prominent non-Gaussian effect. For a model with a non-trivial kinetic term, an enhanced curvature perturbation on a small scale can […]

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Primordial Black Hole Formation in Non-Minimal Curvaton Scenario

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Shi Pi, Misao Sasaki, , , | Summary: In the curvaton scenario, the curvature perturbation is generated after inflation at the curvaton decay, which may have a prominent non-Gaussian effect. For a model with a non-trivial kinetic term, an enhanced curvature perturbation on a small scale can […]

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Primordial black hole formation from massless scalar isocurvature

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Chul-Moon Yoo, Tomohiro Harada, Shin’ichi Hirano, Hirotada Okawa, Misao Sasaki | Summary: We numerically study the primordial black hole (PBH) formation by an isocurvature perturbation of a massless scalar field on super Hubble scales in the radiation-dominated universe. As a first step we perform simulations of spherically […]

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High-order tensor flow processing using integrated photonic circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Shaofu Xu, Jing Wang, Sicheng Yi, Weiwen Zou, | Summary: Tensor analytics lays mathematical basis for the prosperous promotion of multiway signal processing. To increase computing throughput, mainstream processors transform tensor convolutions to matrix multiplications to enhance parallelism of computing. However, such order-reducing transformation produces data duplicates […]

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Exceptional scalar theories in de Sitter space

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: James Bonifacio, Kurt Hinterbichler, Austin Joyce, Diederik Roest, | Summary: The special galileon and Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) theories are effective field theories of a single scalar field that have many interesting properties in flat space. These theories can be extended to all maximally symmetric spaces, where their algebras […]

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New constraint on Early Dark Energy from Planck and BOSS data using the profile likelihood

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Laura Herold, Elisa G. M. Ferreira, Eiichiro Komatsu, , | Summary: A dark energy-like component in the early universe, known as early dark energy (EDE), is a proposed solution to the Hubble tension. Currently, there is no consensus in the literature as to whether EDE can simultaneously […]

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