New physics from the polarised light of the cosmic microwave background

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Eiichiro Komatsu, , , , | Summary: Cosmology requires new physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles and fields. What is the fundamental physics behind dark matter and dark energy? What generated the initial fluctuations in the early Universe? Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background […]

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Biological error correction codes generate fault-tolerant neural networks

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Alexander Zlokapa, Andrew K. Tan, John M. Martyn, Max Tegmark, Isaac L. Chuang | Summary: It has been an open question in deep learning if fault-tolerant computation is possible: can arbitrarily reliable computation be achieved using only unreliable neurons? In the mammalian cortex, analog error correction codes […]

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Fault-Tolerant Neural Networks from Biological Error Correction Codes

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Alexander Zlokapa, Andrew K. Tan, John M. Martyn, Ila R. Fiete, Max Tegmark | Summary: It has been an open question in deep learning if fault-tolerant computation is possible: can arbitrarily reliable computation be achieved using only unreliable neurons? In the grid cells of the mammalian cortex, […]

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On The Design of a Light-weight FPGA Programming Framework for Graph Applications

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jing Wang, Jinyang Guo, Chao Li, , | Summary: FPGA accelerators designed for graph processing are gaining popularity. Domain Specific Language (DSL) frameworks for graph processing can reduce the programming complexity and development cost of algorithm design. However, accelerator-specific development requires certain technical expertise and significant effort […]

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Analysis method for 3D power spectrum of projected tensor field with fast estimator and window convolution modelling: an application to intrinsic alignments

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada | First 5 Authors: Toshiki Kurita, Masahiro Takada, , , | Summary: Rank-2 tensor fields of large-scale structure, e.g. a tensor field inferred from shapes of galaxies, open up a window to directly access 2 scalar, 2 vector and 2 tensor modes, where the scalar fields can be measured independently from […]

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ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions-IX. A pilot study towards IRDC G034.43+00.24 on multi-scale structures and gas kinematics

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Hong-Li Liu, Anandmayee Tej, Tie Liu, Paul F. Goldsmith, Amelia Stutz | Summary: We present a comprehensive study of the gas kinematics associated with density structures at different spatial scales in the filamentary infrared dark cloud, G034.43+00.24 (G34). This study makes use of the H13CO+ (1-0) molecular […]

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Gravitational Casimir Effect in Inspiralling Neutron Star Binary

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jing Wang, , , , | Summary: Currently, the discussions and investigations for the vacuum energy is drawing great both theoretical and experimental attention. The vacuum states of variety of fields, subject to special boundary conditions, may contribute to non-trivial macroscopic vacuum energy, i.e. the Casimir effect, […]

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