A comparison between compactly supported rigid and $pmb{mathscr{D}}$-module cohomology

Kavli Affiliate: Tomoyuki Abe | First 5 Authors: Tomoyuki Abe, Christopher Lazda, , , | Summary: The goal of this article is to prove a comparison theorem between rigid cohomology and cohomology computed using the theory of arithmetic $mathscr{D}$-modules. To do this, we construct a specialisation functor from Le Stum’s category of constructible isocrystals to […]

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The emph{R}-Process Alliance: Chemo-Dynamically Tagged Groups II. An Extended Sample of Halo $r$-Process-Enhanced Stars

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Frebel | First 5 Authors: Derek Shank, Timothy C. Beers, Vinicius M. Placco, Dmitrii Gudin, Thomas Catapano | Summary: Orbital characteristics based on Gaia Early Data Release 3 astrometric parameters are analyzed for ${sim} 1700$ $r$-process-enhanced (RPE; [Eu/Fe] $> +0.3$) metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] $leq -0.8$) compiled from the $R$-Process Alliance, the GALactic […]

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Reversible Data hiding in Encrypted Domain with Public Key Embedding Mechanism

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Yan Ke, Minqing Zhang, Xinpeng Zhang, Yiliang Han, Jia Liu | Summary: Considering the prospects of public key embedding (PKE) mechanism in active forensics on the integrity or identity of ciphertext for distributed deep learning security, two reversible data hiding in encrypted domain (RDH-ED) algorithms with PKE […]

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Ultimate limits and prospects of long-baseline optical fiber interferometry

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Christopher Hilweg, Danial Shadmany, Philip Walther, Nergis Mavalvala, Vivishek Sudhir | Summary: Today’s most precise optical instruments — gravitational-wave interferometers and optical atomic clocks — rely on long storage times for photons to realize their exquisite sensitivity. Optical fiber technology is the most widely deployed platform for […]

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Ultimate limits and prospects of long-baseline optical fiber interferometry

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Christopher Hilweg, Danial Shadmany, Philip Walther, Nergis Mavalvala, Vivishek Sudhir | Summary: Today’s most precise optical instruments — gravitational-wave interferometers and optical atomic clocks — rely on long storage times for photons to realize their exquisite sensitivity. Optical fiber technology is the most widely deployed platform for […]

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Limits and prospects for long-baseline optical fiber interferometry

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Christopher Hilweg, Danial Shadmany, Philip Walther, Nergis Mavalvala, Vivishek Sudhir | Summary: Today’s most precise optical instruments — gravitational-wave interferometers and optical atomic clocks — rely on long storage times for photons to realize their exquisite sensitivity. Optical fiber technology is the most widely deployed platform for […]

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Disentangled Representation with Causal Constraints for Counterfactual Fairness

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ziqi Xu, Jixue Liu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu | Summary: Much research has been devoted to the problem of learning fair representations; however, they do not explicitly the relationship between latent representations. In many real-world applications, there may be causal relationships between latent representations. Furthermore, […]

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Computational Fluid Dynamics with the Coupled Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme (CDUGKS)

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Alvaro Zamora, Tom Abel, , , | Summary: In this paper, we introduce our open source implementation of the Coupled Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme (CDUGKS) of https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.053310, a phase space scheme capable of handling a wide range of flow regimes. We demonstrate its performance on several […]

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Computational Fluid Dynamics with the Coupled Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme (CDUGKS)

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Alvaro Zamora, Elliott Slaughter, Tom Abel, , | Summary: In this paper, we introduce our open source implementation of the Coupled Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme (CDUGKS) of https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.053310, a phase space scheme capable of handling a wide range of flow regimes. We demonstrate its performance on […]

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Alternating north-south brightness ratio of Ganymede’s auroral ovals: Hubble Space Telescope observations around the Juno PJ34 flyby

Kavli Affiliate: George Clark | First 5 Authors: Joachim Saur, Stefan Duling, Alexandre Wennmacher, Clarissa Willmes, Lorenz Roth | Summary: We report results of Hubble Space Telescope observations from Ganymede’s orbitally trailing side which were taken around the flyby of the Juno spacecraft on June 7, 2021. We find that Ganymede’s northern and southern auroral […]

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