The growth of the gargantuan black holes powering high-redshift quasars and their impact on the formation of early galaxies and protoclusters

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Jake S. Bennett, Debora Sijacki, Tiago Costa, Nicolas Laporte, Callum Witten | Summary: High-redshift quasars ($zgtrsim6$), powered by black holes (BHs) with large inferred masses, imply rapid BH growth in the early Universe. The most extreme examples have inferred masses of $sim ! 10^9,$M$_odot$ at $z = […]

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Few-shot 3D Shape Generation

Kavli Affiliate: Jiansheng Chen | First 5 Authors: Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan, | Summary: Realistic and diverse 3D shape generation is helpful for a wide variety of applications such as virtual reality, gaming, and animation. Modern generative models, such as GANs and diffusion models, learn from large-scale datasets and generate new […]

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Detecting Exoplanets Closer to Stars with Moderate Spectral Resolution Integral-Field Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Shubh Agrawal, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Quinn M. Konopacky, Bruce Macintosh, Dimitri Mawet | Summary: While radial velocity surveys have demonstrated that the population of gas giants peaks around $3~text{au}$, the most recent high-contrast imaging surveys have only been sensitive to planets beyond $sim~10~text{au}$. Sensitivity at small angular separations […]

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Duality Origami: Emergent Ensemble Symmetries in Holography and Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: Meer Ashwinkumar, Jacob M. Leedom, Masahito Yamazaki, , | Summary: We discuss interrelations between several ideas in quantum gravity. One is the Swampland program, which states that a low-energy effective field theory should satisfy non-trivial constraints to have an ultraviolet (UV) completion in quantum gravity. Another is […]

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Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists: Dark Gauge Boson in the Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Katsuki Aoki, Toshifumi Noumi, Ryo Saito, Sota Sato, Satoshi Shirai | Summary: The gravitational positivity bound gives quantitative “swampland” constraints on low-energy effective theories inside theories of quantum gravity. We give a comprehensive discussion of this bound for those interested in applications to phenomenological model building. We […]

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Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists: Dark Gauge Boson in the Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Katsuki Aoki, Toshifumi Noumi, Ryo Saito, Sota Sato, Satoshi Shirai | Summary: The gravitational positivity bound gives quantitative "swampland” constraints on low-energy effective theories inside theories of quantum gravity. We give a comprehensive discussion of this bound for those interested in applications to phenomenological model building. We […]

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