The Effects of the Local Environment on a Compact Radio Interferometer I: Cross-coupling in the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array

Kavli Affiliate: Albert Stebbins | First 5 Authors: Juhun Kwak, John Podczerwinski, Peter Timbie, Réza Ansari, John Marriner | Summary: The visibilities measured by radio astronomical interferometers include non-astronomical correlated signals that arise from the local environment of the array. These correlated signals are especially important in compact arrays such as those under development for […]

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Exploring Active Learning in Meta-Learning: Enhancing Context Set Labeling

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Wonho Bae, Jing Wang, Danica J. Sutherland, , | Summary: Most meta-learning methods assume that the (very small) context set used to establish a new task at test time is passively provided. In some settings, however, it is feasible to actively select which points to label; the […]

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On Why the 10-TeV Cosmic Ray Bump Originates in the Local Interstellar Medium

Kavli Affiliate: Igor Moskalenko | First 5 Authors: Mikhail Malkov, Patrick Diamond, Mingyun Cao, Igor Moskalenko, | Summary: Recent measurements of primary and secondary CR spectra, their arrival directions, and our improved knowledge of the magnetic field geometry around the heliosphere allow us to set a bound on the distance beyond which a puzzling 10-TeV […]

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Very Local Impact on the Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei below 100 TeV

Kavli Affiliate: Igor Moskalenko | First 5 Authors: Mikhail Malkov, Igor Moskalenko, Patrick Diamond, Mingyun Cao, | Summary: Recent measurements of primary and secondary CR spectra, their arrival directions, and our improved knowledge of the magnetic field geometry around the heliosphere allow us to set a bound on the distance beyond which a puzzling 10-TeV […]

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Galaxy quenching at the high redshift frontier: A fundamental test of cosmological models in the early universe with JWST-CEERS

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Asa F. L. Bluck, Christopher J. Conselice, Katherine Ormerod, Joanna M. Piotrowska, Nathan Adams | Summary: We present an analysis of the quenching of star formation in massive galaxies ($M_* > 10^{9.5} M_odot$) within the first 0.5 – 3 Gyr of the Universe’s history utilizing JWST-CEERS data. […]

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Evidence for Low-Level Dynamical Excitation in Near-Resonant Exoplanet Systems

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Malena Rice, Xian-Yu Wang, Songhu Wang, Avi Shporer, Khalid Barkaoui | Summary: The geometries of near-resonant planetary systems offer a relatively pristine window into the initial conditions of exoplanet systems. Given that near-resonant systems have likely experienced minimal dynamical disruptions, the spin-orbit orientations of these systems inform […]

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The Case of Transparent Cache Invalidation in Web Applications

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Yunhong Ji, Xuan Zhou, Yongluan Zhou, Ke Wang, | Summary: Application-level caches are widely adopted by web applications to minimize the response time of user requests as well as to reduce the burden on the system backend, such as the database servers. In the state of practice, […]

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