Prospects for Time-Domain and Multi-Messenger Science with AXIS

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: The AXIS Time-Domain, Multi-Messenger Science Working Group, :, Riccardo Arcodia, Franz E. Bauer | Summary: The Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS) promises revolutionary science in the X-ray and multi-messenger time domain. AXIS will leverage excellent spatial resolution (<1.5 arcsec), sensitivity (80x that of Swift), and a large […]

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Constraints on Dark Matter from Dynamical Heating of Stars in Ultrafaint Dwarfs. Part 1: MACHOs and Primordial Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, , , | Summary: We place limits on dark matter made up of compact objects significantly heavier than a solar mass, such as MACHOs or primordial black holes (PBHs). In galaxies, the gas of such objects is generally hotter than the […]

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Constraints on Dark Matter from Dynamical Heating of Stars in Ultrafaint Dwarfs. Part 1: MACHOs and Primordial Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, , , | Summary: We place limits on dark matter made up of compact objects significantly heavier than a solar mass, such as MACHOs or primordial black holes (PBHs). In galaxies, the gas of such objects is generally hotter than the […]

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Black holes regulate cold gas accretion in massive galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Tao Wang, Ke Xu, Yuxuan Wu, Yong Shi, David Elbaz | Summary: Nearly every massive galaxy contains a supermassive black hole (BH) at its center. For decades, both theory and numerical simulations have indicated that BHs play a central role in regulating the growth and quenching […]

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Coherent Self-Interactions of Dark Matter in the Bullet Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: Zachary Bogorad, Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, , | Summary: Many models of dark matter include self-interactions beyond gravity. A variety of astrophysical observations have previously been used to place limits on the strength of such self-interactions. However, previous works have generally focused either on short-range […]

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The galaxies missed by Hubble and ALMA: the contribution of extremely red galaxies to the cosmic census at 3<z<8

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Christina C. Williams, Stacey Alberts, Zhiyuan Ji, Kevin N. Hainline, Jianwei Lyu | Summary: Using deep JWST imaging from JADES, JEMS and SMILES, we characterize optically-faint and extremely red galaxies at $z>3$ that were previously missing from galaxy census estimates. The data indicate the existence of abundant, […]

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A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Philip Holloway, Philip J. Marshall, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Raoul Cañameras | Summary: The arrival of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Euclid-Wide and Roman wide area sensitive surveys will herald a new era in strong lens science in which […]

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A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Philip Holloway, Philip J. Marshall, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Raoul Cañameras | Summary: The arrival of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Euclid-Wide and Roman wide area sensitive surveys will herald a new era in strong lens science in which […]

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First measurement of $R(X_{τ/ell})$ as an inclusive test of the $b to c τν$ anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: We measure the tau-to-light-lepton ratio of inclusive $B$-meson branching fractions $R(X_{tau/ell}) equiv mathcal{B}(Bto X tau nu)/mathcal{B}(B to X ell nu)$, where $ell$ indicates an electron or muon, and thereby test the universality of charged-current […]

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First Measurement of $R(X_{τ/ell})$ as an Inclusive Test of the $b to c τν$ Anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: We measure the tau-to-light-lepton ratio of inclusive $B$-meson branching fractions $R(X_{tau/ell}) equiv mathcal{B}(Bto X tau nu)/mathcal{B}(B to X ell nu)$, where $ell$ indicates an electron or muon, and thereby test the universality of charged-current […]

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