Bias on Tensor-to-Scalar Ratio Inference With Estimated Covariance Matrices

Kavli Affiliate: W. L. Kimmy Wu | First 5 Authors: Dominic Beck, Ari Cukierman, W. L. Kimmy Wu, , | Summary: We investigate simulation-based bandpower covariance matrices commonly used in cosmological parameter inferences such as the estimation of the tensor-to-scalar ratio~$r$. We find that upper limits on $r$ can be biased low. The underestimation of […]

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Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument Observation Calibration Plan

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Robert T. Zellem, Bijan Nemati, Vanessa P. Bailey, Eric J. Cady, M. Mark Colavita | Summary: NASA’s next flagship mission, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, is a 2.4-meter observatory set to launch no later than May 2027. Roman features two instruments: the Wide Field Imager and […]

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Proposal for asymmetric photoemission and tunneling spectroscopies in quantum simulators of the triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Shuai A. Chen, Qianqian Chen, Zheng Zhu, , | Summary: Recent realization of well-controlled quantum simulators of the triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model, including the triangular optical lattices loaded with ultracold Fermions and the heterostructures of the transition-metal dichalcogenides, as well as the more advanced techniques to probe them, […]

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Spinal premotor interneurons controlling antagonistic muscles are spatially intermingled

Kavli Affiliate: Samuel Pfaff | Authors: Remi Ronzano, Sophie Skarlatou, Bianca K Barriga, B. Anne Bannatyne, Gardave Singh Bhumbra, Joshua David Foster, Jeffrey Moore, Camille Lancelin, Amanda Pocratsky, Mustafa Gorkem Ozyurt, Calvin Chad Smith, Andrew J. Todd, David J. Maxwell, Andrew J. Murray, Samuel L Pfaff, Robert M. Brownstone, Niccolo’ Zampieri and Marco Beato | […]

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97 Eclipsing Quadruple Star Candidates Discovered in TESS Full Frame Images

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Veselin B. Kostov, Brian P. Powell, Saul A. Rappaport, Tamas Borkovits, Robert Gagliano | Summary: We present a catalog of 97 uniformly-vetted candidates for quadruple star systems. The candidates were identified in TESS Full Frame Image data from Sectors 1 through 42 through a combination of machine […]

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A multiwavelength-motivated X-ray model for the Circinus Galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Carolina Andonie, Claudio Ricci, Stéphane Paltani, Patricia Arévalo, Ezequiel Treister | Summary: Reprocessed X-ray emission in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) can provide fundamental information about the circumnuclear environments of supermassive black holes. Recent mid-infrared studies have shown evidence of an extended dusty structure perpendicular to the torus […]

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Dissecting the different components of the modest accretion bursts of the very young protostar HOPS 373

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Sung-Yong Yoon, Gregory J. Herczeg, Jeong-Eun Lee, Ho-Gyu Lee, Doug Johnstone | Summary: Observed changes in protostellar brightness can be complicated to interpret. In our JCMT~Transient monitoring survey, we discovered that a young binary protostar, HOPS 373, is undergoing a modest $30%$ brightness increase at 850 […]

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Transient oscillations of neural firing rate associated with routing of evidence in a perceptual decision

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Shadlen | Authors: Naomi N Odean, Mehdi Sanayei and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Abstract To form a perceptual decision the brain must acquire samples of evidence from the environment and incorporate them in computations that mediate choice behavior. While much is known about the neural circuits that process sensory information and […]

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Detection of a dense group of hyper-compact radio sources in the central parsec of the Galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: R. Morris | First 5 Authors: Jun-Hui Zhao, Mark R. Morris, W. M. Goss, , | Summary: Using the JVLA, we explored the Galactic center (GC) with a resolution of 0.05" at 33.0 and 44.6 GHz. We detected 64 hyper-compact radio sources (HCRs) in the central parsec. The dense group of HCRs can […]

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