Benchmarking quantum logic operations relative to thresholds for fault tolerance

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Akel Hashim, Stefan Seritan, Timothy Proctor, Kenneth Rudinger, Noah Goss | Summary: Contemporary methods for benchmarking noisy quantum processors typically measure average error rates or process infidelities. However, thresholds for fault-tolerant quantum error correction are given in terms of worst-case error rates — defined via the diamond […]

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Demonstrating scalable randomized benchmarking of universal gate sets

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Jordan Hines, Marie Lu, Ravi K. Naik, Akel Hashim, Jean-Loup Ville | Summary: Randomized benchmarking (RB) protocols are the most widely used methods for assessing the performance of quantum gates. However, the existing RB methods either do not scale to many qubits or cannot benchmark a universal […]

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Snowmass White Paper: Belle II physics reach and plans for the next decade and beyond

Kavli Affiliate: Takeo Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Latika Aggarwal, Swagato Banerjee, Sunil Bansal, Florian Bernlochner, Michel Bertemes | Summary: Belle II is an experiment operating at the intensity frontier. Over the next decades, it will record the decay of billions of bottom mesons, charm hadrons, and tau leptons produced in 10 GeV electron-positron collisions […]

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Experimental Determination of a Single Atom Ground State Orbital through Hyperfine Anisotropy

Kavli Affiliate: Sander Otte | First 5 Authors: LaĆ«titia Farinacci, Lukas M. Veldman, Philip Willke, Sander Otte, | Summary: Historically, electron spin resonance (ESR) has provided excellent insight into the electronic, magnetic, and chemical structure of samples hosting spin centers. In particular, the hyperfine interaction between the electron and the nuclear spins yields valuable structural […]

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Shape dependence of mutual information in the OPE limit: linear responses

Kavli Affiliate: Huajia Wang | First 5 Authors: Liangyu Chen, Huajia Wang, , , | Summary: Mutual information serves as an important measure of correlation between subsystem components. In the framework of quantum field theories (QFTs) they have better regulated UV behavior than entanglement entropy, and thus provide more direct access to universal aspects of […]

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B-mode constraints from Planck low multipole polarisation data

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Roger de Belsunce, Steven Gratton, George Efstathiou, , | Summary: We present constraints on primordial B modes from large angular scale cosmic microwave background polarisation anisotropies measured with the Planck satellite. To remove Galactic polarised foregrounds, we use a Bayesian parametric component separation method, modelling synchrotron radiation […]

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On-demand Photonic Ising Machine with Simplified Hamiltonian Calculation by Phase encoding and Intensity Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Jiayi Ouyang, Yuxuan Liao, Zhiyao Ma, Deyang Kong, Xue Feng | Summary: The photonic Ising machine is a new paradigm of optical computing that takes advantage of the unique properties of light wave propagation, parallel processing, and low-loss transmission. Thus, the process of solving combinatorial optimization problems […]

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An On-demand Photonic Ising Machine with Simplified Hamiltonian Calculation by Phase encoding and Intensity Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Jiayi Ouyang, Yuxuan Liao, Zhiyao Ma, Deyang Kong, Xue Feng | Summary: The photonic Ising machine is a new paradigm of optical computing that takes advantage of the unique properties of light wave propagation, parallel processing, and low-loss transmission. Thus, the process of solving combinatorial optimization problems […]

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An On-demand Photonic Ising Machine with Simplified Hamiltonian Calculation by Phase-encoding and Intensity Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Jiayi Ouyang, Yuxuan Liao, Zhiyao Ma, Deyang Kong, Xue Feng | Summary: The photonic Ising machine is a new paradigm of optical computing that takes advantage of the unique properties of light wave propagation, parallel processing, and low-loss transmission. Thus, the process of solving combinatorial optimization problems […]

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High quantum efficiency parametric amplification via hybridized nonlinear optics

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Moses | First 5 Authors: Noah Flemens, Dylan Heberle, Jiaoyang Zheng, Devin J. Dean, Connor Davis | Summary: Parametric amplifiers have allowed breakthroughs in ultrafast, strong-field, and high-energy density laser science and are an essential tool for extending the frequency range of powerful emerging diode-pumped solid-state laser technology. However, their impact is […]

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