High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of topological textures in single-diamond networks

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich B. Wiesner | First 5 Authors: Dmitry Karpov, Kenza Djeghdi, Mirko Holler, S. Narjes Abdollahi, Karolina Godlewska | Summary: Highly periodic structures are often said to convey the beauty of nature. However, most material properties are strongly influenced by the defects they contain. On the mesoscopic scale, molecular self-assembly exemplifies this interplay; […]

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Frequency tunable, cavity-enhanced single erbium quantum emitter in the telecom band

Kavli Affiliate: Wolfgang Tittel | First 5 Authors: Yong Yu, Dorian Oser, Gaia Da Prato, Emanuele Urbinati, Javier Carrasco Ávila | Summary: Single quantum emitters embedded in solid-state hosts are an ideal platform for realizing quantum information processors and quantum network nodes. Among the currently-investigated candidates, Er$^{3+}$ ions are particularly appealing due to their 1.5 […]

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AI-aided Geometric Design of Anti-infection Catheters

Kavli Affiliate: Paul W. Sternberg | First 5 Authors: Tingtao Zhou, Xuan Wan, Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Zongyi Li, Zhiwei Peng | Summary: Bacteria can swim upstream due to hydrodynamic interactions with the fluid flow in a narrow tube, and pose a clinical threat of urinary tract infection to patients implanted with catheters. Coatings and structured […]

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Coherent control of the translational and point group symmetries of crystals with light

Kavli Affiliate: Nicole A. Benedek | First 5 Authors: Guru Khalsa, Jeffrey Z. Kaaret, Nicole A. Benedek, , | Summary: We use theory and first-principles calculations to explore mechanisms for control of the translational and point group symmetries of crystals in ultrafast optical experiments. We focus in particular on mechanisms that exploit anharmonic (biquadratic) lattice […]

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Causal State Estimation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Junxin Chen, Benjamin B. Lane, Su Direkci, Dhruva Ganapathy, Xinghui Yin | Summary: The observables of a noisy quantum system can be estimated by appropriately filtering the records of their continuous measurement. Such filtering is relevant for state estimation and measurement-based quantum feedback control. It is therefore […]

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Causal State Estimation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Junxin Chen, Benjamin B. Lane, Su Direkci, Dhruva Ganapathy, Xinghui Yin | Summary: The observables of a noisy quantum system can be estimated by appropriately filtering the records of their continuous measurement. Such filtering is relevant for state estimation and measurement-based quantum feedback control. It is therefore […]

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Time-Interleaved C-band Co-Propagation of Quantum and Classical Channels

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: A successful commercial deployment of quantum key distribution (QKD) technologies requires integrating QKD links into existing fibers and sharing the same fiber networks with classical data traffic. To mitigate the spontaneous Raman scattering (SpRS) noise from classical data channels, several quantum/classical […]

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Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Leon Balents, , , | Summary: Moir’e heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit Mott-insulating behaviour both at half-filling as well as at fractional fillings, where electronic degrees of freedom form self-organized Wigner crystal states. An open question concerns magnetic states obtained by lifting […]

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Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Leon Balents, , , | Summary: Moir’e heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit Mott-insulating behaviour both at half-filling as well as at fractional fillings, where electronic degrees of freedom form self-organized Wigner crystal states. An open question concerns magnetic states obtained by lifting […]

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The effect of scatter of polymer chain length on strength

Kavli Affiliate: Zhigang Suo | First 5 Authors: Manyuan Tao, Shawn Lavoie, Zhigang Suo, Maria K. Cameron, | Summary: A polymer network fractures by breaking covalent bonds, but the experimentally measured strength of the polymer network is orders of magnitude lower than the strength of covalent bonds. We investigate the effect of statistical variation of […]

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