flippy: User friendly and open source framework for lipid membrane simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Timon Idema | First 5 Authors: George Dadunashvili, Timon Idema, , , | Summary: Animal cells are both encapsulated and subdivided by lipid bilayer membranes. Beyond just acting as boundaries, these membranes’ shapes influence the function of cells and their compartments. Physically, membranes are two-dimensional fluids with complex elastic behavior, which makes it […]

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Buzzard to Cardinal: Improved Mock Catalogs for Large Galaxy Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Eli Rykoff | First 5 Authors: Chun-Hao To, Joseph DeRose, Risa H. Wechsler, Eli Rykoff, Hao-Yi Wu | Summary: We present the Cardinal mock galaxy catalogs, a new version of the Buzzard simulation that has been updated to support ongoing and future cosmological surveys, including DES, DESI, and LSST. These catalogs are based […]

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The first X-ray polarimetric observation of the black hole binary LMC X-1

Kavli Affiliate: Herman L. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Jakub Podgorny, Lorenzo Marra, Fabio Muleri, Nicole Rodriguez Cavero, Ajay Ratheesh | Summary: We report on an X-ray polarimetric observation of the high-mass X-ray binary LMC X-1 in the high/soft state, obtained by the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) in October 2022. The measured polarization is […]

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Learning Optical Flow and Scene Flow with Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Haisong Liu, Tao Lu, Yihui Xu, Jia Liu, Limin Wang | Summary: In this paper, we study the problem of jointly estimating the optical flow and scene flow from synchronized 2D and 3D data. Previous methods either employ a complex pipeline that splits the joint task into […]

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Broadband X-ray timing and spectral characteristics of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Zhaosheng Li, Lucien Kuiper, Mingyu Ge, Maurizio Falanga, Juri Poutanen | Summary: We studied the broadband X-ray timing and spectral behaviors of the newly confirmed accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195 during its 2022 outburst. We used the data from Insight-HXMT ME/HE, NICER and NuSTAR which cover […]

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High-density reflection spectroscopy of black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Honghui Liu, Jiachen Jiang, Zuobin Zhang, Cosimo Bambi, Andrew C. Fabian | Summary: We present a high-density relativistic reflection analysis of 21 spectra of six black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state with data from textit{NuSTAR} and textit{Swift}. We find that 76% of the observations in […]

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Anatomy of plasmons in generic Luttinger semimetals

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: We investigate the parameter regimes favourable for the emergence of plasmons in isotropic, anisotropic, and band-mass symmetric and asymmetric Luttinger semimetals (LSMs). An LSM harbours a quadratic band-crossing point (QBCP) in its bandstructure, where the upper and lower branches of dispersion […]

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Anomalous crystalline ordering of particles in a viscoelastic fluid under high shear

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Weitz | First 5 Authors: Sijie Sun, Nan Xue, Stefano Aime, Hyoungsoo Kim, Jizhou Tang | Summary: Addition of particles to a viscoelastic suspension dramatically alters the properties of the mixture, particularly when it is sheared or otherwise processed. Shear-induced stretching of the polymers results in elastic stress that causes a […]

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Defeating Broken Symmetry with Doping: Symmetric Resonant Tunneling in Noncentrosymetric Heterostructures

Kavli Affiliate: Grace Xing | First 5 Authors: Jimy Encomendero, Vladimir Protasenko, Debdeep Jena, Huili Grace Xing, | Summary: Resonant tunneling transport in polar heterostructures is intimately connected to the polarization fields emerging from the geometric Berry-phase. In these structures, quantum confinement results not only in a discrete electronic spectrum, but also in built-in polarization […]

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A Simple Baseline for Supervised Surround-view Depth Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Xianda Guo, Wenjie Yuan, Yunpeng Zhang, Tian Yang, Chenming Zhang | Summary: Depth estimation has been widely studied and serves as the fundamental step of 3D perception for intelligent vehicles. Though significant progress has been made in monocular depth estimation in the past decades, these attempts are […]

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