The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: High-resolution component-separated maps across one-third of the sky

Kavli Affiliate: Kent Irwin | First 5 Authors: William R. Coulton, Mathew S. Madhavacheril, Adriaan J. Duivenvoorden, J. Colin Hill, Irene Abril-Cabezas | Summary: Observations of the millimeter sky contain valuable information on a number of signals, including the blackbody cosmic microwave background (CMB), Galactic emissions, and the Compton-$y$ distortion due to the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich […]

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Nitrogen-vacancy magnetometry of CrSBr by diamond membrane transfer

Kavli Affiliate: Toeno Van Der Sar | First 5 Authors: Talieh S. Ghiasi, Michael Borst, Samer Kurdi, Brecht G. Simon, Iacopo Bertelli | Summary: Magnetic imaging using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) spins in diamonds is a powerful technique for acquiring quantitative information about sub-micron scale magnetic order. A major challenge for its application in the research on […]

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A Transparent and Nonlinear Method for Variable Selection

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong Wang | First 5 Authors: Keyao Wang, Huiwen Wang, Jichang Zhao, Lihong Wang, | Summary: Variable selection is a procedure to attain the truly important predictors from inputs. Complex nonlinear dependencies and strong coupling pose great challenges for variable selection in high-dimensional data. In addition, real-world applications have increased demands for interpretability […]

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Whole Cross-Sectional Human Ultrasound Tomography

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: David C. Garrett, Jinhua Xu, Yousuf Aborahama, Geng Ku, Konstantin Maslov | Summary: Ultrasonography is a vital component of modern clinical care, with handheld probes routinely used for diagnostic imaging and procedural guidance. However, handheld ultrasound imaging is limited by factors such as the partial-cross-sectional field […]

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The Clock and the Pizza: Two Stories in Mechanistic Explanation of Neural Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Ziqian Zhong, Ziming Liu, Max Tegmark, Jacob Andreas, | Summary: Do neural networks, trained on well-understood algorithmic tasks, reliably rediscover known algorithms for solving those tasks? Several recent studies, on tasks ranging from group arithmetic to in-context linear regression, have suggested that the answer is yes. Using […]

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Superconducting, topological and transport properties of kagome metals CsTi$ _{3} $Bi$ _{5} $ and RbTi$ _{3} $Bi$ _{5} $

Kavli Affiliate: Bo Gu | First 5 Authors: Xin-Wei Yi, Zheng-Wei Liao, Jing-Yang You, Bo Gu, Gang Su | Summary: The recently discovered ATi$_3$Bi$_5$ (A=Cs, Rb) exhibit intriguing quantum phenomena including superconductivity, electronic nematicity, and abundant topological states, which provide promising platforms for studying kagome superconductivity, band topology, and charge orders. In this work, we […]

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Interferometric speckle visibility spectroscopy (iSVS) for measuring decorrelation time and dynamics of moving samples with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and relaxed reference requirements

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Yu Xi Huang, Simon Mahler, Jerome Mertz, Changhuei Yang, | Summary: Diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) is a group of techniques used to measure the dynamics of a scattering medium in a non-invasive manner. DWS methods rely on detecting the speckle light field from the moving scattering media […]

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Optical Dipole Structure and Orientation of GaN Defect Single-Photon Emitters

Kavli Affiliate: Warren R. Zipfel | First 5 Authors: Yifei Geng, Debdeep Jena, Gregory D. Fuchs, Warren R. Zipfel, Farhan Rana | Summary: GaN has recently been shown to host bright, photostable, defect single photon emitters in the 600-700 nm wavelength range that are promising for quantum applications. The nature and origin of these defect […]

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Optimality in superselective surface binding by multivalent DNA nanostars

Kavli Affiliate: Liedewij Laan | First 5 Authors: Christine Linne, Eva Heemskerk, Jos Zwanikken, Daniela J. Kraft, Liedewij Laan | Summary: Weak multivalent interactions govern a large variety of biological processes like cell-cell adhesion and virus-host interactions. These systems distinguish sharply between surfaces based on receptor density, known as superselectivity. Earlier experimental and theoretical work […]

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SWAT: A System-Wide Approach to Tunable Leakage Mitigation in Encrypted Data Stores

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Leqian Zheng, Lei Xu, Cong Wang, Sheng Wang, Yuke Hu | Summary: Numerous studies have underscored the significant privacy risks associated with various leakage patterns in encrypted data stores. While many solutions have been proposed to mitigate these leakages, they either (1) incur substantial overheads, (2) focus […]

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