JWST-TST High Contrast: Achieving direct spectroscopy of faint substellar companions next to bright stars with the NIRSpec IFU

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Marshall D. Perrin, Kielan K. W. Hoch, Jens Kammerer, Quinn M. Konopacky | Summary: The JWST NIRSpec integral field unit (IFU) presents a unique opportunity to observe directly imaged exoplanets from 3-5 um at moderate spectral resolution (R~2,700) and thereby better constrain the composition, disequilibrium […]

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JWST-TST High Contrast: Achieving direct spectroscopy of faint substellar companions next to bright stars with the NIRSpec IFU

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Marshall D. Perrin, Kielan K. W. Hoch, Jens Kammerer, Quinn M. Konopacky | Summary: The JWST NIRSpec integral field unit (IFU) presents a unique opportunity to observe directly imaged exoplanets from 3-5um at moderate spectral resolution (R~2,700) and thereby better constrain the composition, disequilibrium chemistry, […]

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Federated Multi-Objective Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Haibo Yang, Zhuqing Liu, Jia Liu, Chaosheng Dong, Michinari Momma | Summary: In recent years, multi-objective optimization (MOO) emerges as a foundational problem underpinning many multi-agent multi-task learning applications. However, existing algorithms in MOO literature remain limited to centralized learning settings, which do not satisfy the distributed […]

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Federated Multi-Objective Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Haibo Yang, Zhuqing Liu, Jia Liu, Chaosheng Dong, Michinari Momma | Summary: In recent years, multi-objective optimization (MOO) emerges as a foundational problem underpinning many multi-agent multi-task learning applications. However, existing algorithms in MOO literature remain limited to centralized learning settings, which do not satisfy the distributed […]

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Federated Multi-Objective Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Haibo Yang, Zhuqing Liu, Jia Liu, Chaosheng Dong, Michinari Momma | Summary: In recent years, multi-objective optimization (MOO) emerges as a foundational problem underpinning many multi-agent multi-task learning applications. However, existing algorithms in MOO literature remain limited to centralized learning settings, which do not satisfy the distributed […]

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Diversity of visual inputs to Kenyon cells of the Drosophila mushroom body

Kavli Affiliate: Rudy Behnia | Authors: Ishani Ganguly, Emily L. Heckman, Ashok Litwin-Kumar, E. Josephine Clowney and Rudy Behnia | Summary: The arthropod mushroom body is well-studied as an expansion layer that represents olfactory stimuli and links them to contingent events. However, 8% of mushroom body Kenyon cells in Drosophila melanogaster receive predominantly visual input, […]

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Representations of information value in mouse orbitofrontal cortex during information seeking

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Axel | Authors: Jennifer J Bussell, Ryan P Badman, Christian David Márton, Ethan S Bromberg-Martin, LF Abbott, Kanaka Rajan and Richard Axel | Summary: HAnimals are motivated to acquire knowledge of their world. They seek information that does not influence reward outcomes suggesting that information has intrinsic value. We have asked whether […]

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Parkinsonism Sac domain mutation in Synaptojanin-1 affects ciliary properties in iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro De Camilli | Authors: Nisha Mohd Rafiq, Kenshiro Fujise, Martin Rosenfeld, Peng Xu, Yumei Wu and Pietro De Camilli | Summary: Synaptojanin-1 (SJ1) is a major neuronal-enriched PI(4,5)P2 4- and 5-phosphatase implicated in the shedding of endocytic factors during endocytosis. A mutation (R258Q) that impairs selectively its 4-phosphatase activity causes Parkinsonism in […]

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Laser-driven ultrafast impedance spectroscopy for measuring complex ion hopping processes

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Kim H. Pham, Scott K. Cushing, , , | Summary: Superionic conductors, or solid-state ion-conductors surpassing 0.01 S/cm in conductivity, can enable more energy dense batteries, robust artificial ion pumps, and optimized fuel cells. However, tailoring superionic conductors require precise knowledge of ion migration mechanisms that […]

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Laser-driven ultrafast impedance spectroscopy for measuring complex ion hopping processes

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Kim H. Pham, Scott K. Cushing, , , | Summary: Superionic conductors, or solid-state ion-conductors that surpass 0.01 S/cm in conductivity, can enable more energy dense batteries, robust artificial ion pumps, and optimized fuel cells. However, tailoring superionic conductors require precise knowledge of ion migration mechanisms […]

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