Microscopic origin of twist-dependent electron transfer rate in bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Leonardo Coello Escalante, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Using molecular simulation and continuum dielectric theory, we consider how electrochemical kinetics are modulated by twist angle in bilayer graphene electrodes. By establishing a connection between twist angle and the screening length of charge carriers within […]

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Microscopic origin of twist-dependent electron transfer rate in bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Leonardo Coello Escalante, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Using molecular simulation and continuum dielectric theory, we consider how electrochemical kinetics are modulated as a function of twist angle in bilayer graphene electrodes. By establishing an effective connection between twist angle and the screening length […]

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Microscopic origin of twist-dependent electron transfer rate in bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Leonardo Coello Escalante, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Using molecular simulation and continuum dielectric theory, we consider how electrochemical kinetics are modulated as a function of twist angle in bilayer graphene electrodes. By establishing an effective connection between twist angle and the screening length […]

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Introducing the DREAMS Project: DaRk mattEr and Astrophysics with Machine learning and Simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Lina Necib | First 5 Authors: Jonah C. Rose, Paul Torrey, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Mariangela Lisanti, Tri Nguyen | Summary: We introduce the DREAMS project, an innovative approach to understanding the astrophysical implications of alternative dark matter models and their effects on galaxy formation and evolution. The DREAMS project will ultimately comprise thousands of […]

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Electronic and Optical Excitations in van der Waals Materials from a Non-Empirical Wannier-Localized Optimally-Tuned Screened Range-Separated Hybrid Functional

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: María Camarasa-Gómez, Stephen E. Gant, Guy Ohad, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Ashwin Ramasubramanian | Summary: Accurate prediction of electronic and optical excitations in van der Waals (vdW) materials is a long-standing challenge for density functional theory. The recently proposed Wannier-localized optimally-tuned screened range-separated hybrid (WOT-SRSH) functional has […]

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JWST meets Chandra: a large population of Compton thick, feedback-free, and intrinsically X-ray weak AGN, with a sprinkle of SNe

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Roberto Maiolino, Guido Risaliti, Matilde Signorini, Bartolomeo Trefoloni, Ignas Juodzbalis | Summary: We investigate the X-ray properties of a sample of 71 broad line and narrow line AGN at 2$<$z$<$11 discovered by JWST in the GOODS fields, which have the deepest Chandra observations ever obtained. Despite the […]

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JWST meets Chandra: a large population of Compton thick, feedback-free, and X-ray weak AGN, with a sprinkle of SNe

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Roberto Maiolino, Guido Risaliti, Matilde Signorini, Bartolomeo Trefoloni, Ignas Juodzbalis | Summary: We investigate the X-ray properties of a large sample of 71 broad line and narrow line AGN at 2<z<11 discovered by JWST in the GOODS fields, which have the deepest Chandra observations ever obtained. Despite […]

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The breath shape controls intonation of mouse vocalizations

Kavli Affiliate: Kevin Yackle | Authors: Alastair MacDonald and Kevin Yacklei | Summary: Intonation in speech is the control of vocal pitch to layer expressive meaning to communication, like increasing pitch to indicate a question. Also, stereotyped patterns of pitch are used to create distinct “words”, like the ten sounds in the murine lexicon. A […]

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