Rateless Stochastic Coding for Delay-Constrained Semantic Communication

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng

| First 5 Authors: Cheng Peng, Rulong Wang, Yong Xiao, ,

| Summary:

We consider the problem of joint source-channel coding for semantic
communication from a rateless perspective, the purpose of which is to settle
the balance between reliability (distortion/perception) and effectiveness
(rate) of transmission over uncertain channels. In particular, we propose a
more general communication objective that minimizes the perceptual distance by
incorporating a semantic-level reconstruction objective in addition to the
conventional pixel-level reconstruction objective. Based on the proposed
objective, we then propose a novel JSCC coding scheme called rateless
stochastic coding (RSC) by introducing a generative decoder and dithered
quantization. The coding scheme enables reconstruction based on both distortion
and perception metrics through rateless transmission. Extensive experiments
demonstrate that the proposed RSC can achieve variable rates of transmission
maintaining an excellent trade-off between distortion and perception.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Cheng Peng”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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