Intrinsic Second Order Spin Current

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su

| First 5 Authors: Zhi-Fan Zhang, Zhen-Gang Zhu, Gang Su, ,

| Summary:

In recent years, nonlinear Hall effect has attracted great attention with
three different terms contributed by Drude effect, Berry curvature dipole and
Berry connection polarizability. In this work, we theoretically predict an
intrinsic second order spin current induced by spin-dependent Berry curvature
polarizability based on time-independent perturbation theory. And we show other
two second order spin conductivities contributed by the group velocity and
spin-dependent Berry curvature dipole. A two-dimensional Rashba-Dresselhaus
spin-orbit coupled system is studied as an example, and the value of intrinsic
spin conductivity exhibits a maximum at zero chemical potential $mu$ and
decreases rapidly with increasing $mu$; while the extrinsic contribution
remains unchanged in the region of $mu geqslant 0$. Thus, the dependence of
spin conductivity on chemical potential is expected to distinguish the
extrinsic and intrinsic contributions experimentally. Our calculation provides
a theoretical basis for understanding the nonlinear spin transport.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Gang Su”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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