Approach for composition measurement of cosmic rays using the muon-to-electron ratio observed by LHAASO-KM2A

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li

| First 5 Authors: Xishui Tian, Zhuo Li, Quanbu Gou, Hengying Zhang, Huihai He

| Summary:

Composition measurement of cosmic rays (CRs) around the knee of the CR energy
spectrum is crucial for studying the processes of particle acceleration and
propagation of Galactic CRs. The Square Kilometer Array (KM2A) of Large High
Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) can provide precise measurement of the
muonic and electromagnetic (em.) components in CR-induced extensive air
showers, and hence a good chance to disentangle the CR composition. Here we
propose an approach of decomposing CR compositions with the number ratio
between muons and em. particles ($N_{mu}$/$N_{rm e}$) observed by
LHAASO-KM2A: we reconstruct the energy spectra of individual CR compositions by
fitting $N_{mu}$/$N_{rm e}$ distributions in each reconstructed energy bin
using the template shapes of $N_{mu}$/$N_{rm e}$ distributions of individual
CR compositions based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. We evaluate the
performance of this approach with MC tests where mock data of LHAASO-KM2A are
generated by MC simulation. We show that the input composition model can be
well recovered in this approach, independent of the CR composition model
adopted in the MC simulation for the template distributions. The uncertainties
of the reconstructed spectra at < 20 PeV, mainly limited by simulation
statistics, are $le$ 7% for proton, He, and Fe groups, and $le$ 8% and $le$
16% for CNO and MgAlSi groups, respectively.

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