Effect of disorder on Berry curvature and quantum metric in two-band gapped graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su

| First 5 Authors: Ze Liu, Zhi-Fan Zhang, Zhen-Gang Zhu, Gang Su,

| Summary:

The geometric properties of parameter space are mostly described by Berry
curvature and quantum metric, which is the imaginary and real part of quantum
geometric tensor, respectively. In this work, we calculate the dressed Berry
curvature and quantum metric containing eight Feynman diagrams, which is
proportional to the leading-order of the concentration of impurities. For a
two-band gapped graphene model, we find the disorder does not break the
original symmetry of Berry curvature and quantum metric but decrease (increase)
the absolute value of conductor (valence) band. We show how impurities affect
the Berry curvature and quantum metric, laying the foundation for the study of
the influence of impurities on the electron transport properties.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Gang Su”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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