Fundamentals and applications of Van der Waals magnets in magnon spintronics

Kavli Affiliate: Toeno Van Der Sar

| First 5 Authors: Samuel MaƱas-Valero, Toeno van der Sar, Rembert A. Duine, Bart van Wees,

| Summary:

Spintronics is concerned with replacing charge current with current of spin,
the electron’s intrinsic angular momentum. In magnetic insulators, spin
currents are carried by magnons, the quanta of spin-wave excitations on top of
the magnetically ordered state. Magnon spin currents are especially promising
for information technology due to their low intrinsic damping, non-reciprocal
transport, micrometer wavelengths at microwave frequencies, and strong
interactions that enable signal transduction. In this perspective, we give our
view on the progress and challenges towards realizing magnon spintronics based
on atomically thin Van der Waals magnets, a recently discovered class of
magnetic materials of which the tunability and versatility has attracted a
great deal of ongoing research.

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