Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang
| First 5 Authors: Hongting Hou, Long Zhang, , ,
| Summary:
Motivated by the recent observation of real-space edge modes with ultracold
atoms [Braun et al., Nat. Phys. 20, 1306 (2024)], we investigate the
preparation and detection of anomalous counterpropagating edge states — a
defining feature of the anomalous Floquet valley-Hall (AFVH) phase — in a
two-dimensional periodically driven optical Raman lattice. Modeling the atomic
cloud with a Gaussian wave packet state, we explore, both analytically and
numerically, how the population of edge modes depends on the initial-state
parameters. In particular, we reveal that, in addition to the internal spin
state, the initial momenta parallel and perpendicular to the boundary play
essential roles: they independently control the selective population of edge
states across distinct momenta and within separate quasienergy gaps.
Furthermore, we examine the wave-packet dynamics of counterpropagating edge
states and demonstrate that their characteristic motion is robust against
long-range disorder. These results establish a theoretical framework for future
experimental explorations of the AFVH phase and topological phenomena
associated with its unique edge modes.
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