Global Well-posedness for Incompressible Hookean Elastodynamics in the Critical Besov Spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou

| First 5 Authors: Zexian Zhang, Yi Zhou, , ,

| Summary:

We identify the wave maps type nonlinearities of incompressible Hookean
elastodynamics euqations in Lagerangian coordinates, and iterate them in the
adapted $U^2$-type spaces to prove the small data global well-posedness in the
critical Besov space $dot{B}^{frac{n}{2}+1}_{2,1}(mathbb{R}^n)times
dot{B}^{frac{n}{2}}_{2,1}(mathbb{R}^n) (nge 2)$.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Yi Zhou”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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