Purcell enhancement and spin spectroscopy of silicon vacancy centers in silicon carbide using an ultra-small mode-volume plasmonic cavity

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory D. Fuchs

| First 5 Authors: Jae-Pil So, Jialun Luo, Jaehong Choi, Brendan McCullian, Gregory D. Fuchs

| Summary:

Silicon vacancy (V$_{Si}$) centers in 4H-silicon carbide have emerged as a
strong candidate for quantum networking applications due to their robust
electronic and optical properties including a long spin coherence lifetime and
bright, stable emission. Here, we report the integration of V$_{Si}$ centers
with a plasmonic nanocavity to Purcell enhance the emission, which is critical
for scalable quantum networking. Employing a simple fabrication process, we
demonstrate plasmonic cavities that support a nanoscale mode volume and exhibit
an increase in the spontaneous emission rate with a measured Purcell factor of
up to 48. In addition to investigating the optical resonance modes, we
demonstrate that an improvement in the optical stability of the spin-preserving
resonant optical transitions relative to the radiation-limited value. The
results highlight the potential of nanophotonic structures for advancing
quantum networking technologies and emphasizes the importance of optimizing
emitter-cavity interactions for efficient quantum photonic applications.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Gregory D. Fuchs”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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