Overview of the Optical Design of the CMB-S4 Large Aperture Telescopes and Camera Optics

Kavli Affiliate: Bradford Benson

| First 5 Authors: Patricio A. Gallardo, Kathleen Harrington, Roberto Puddu, Bradford Benson, John Carlstrom

| Summary:

CMB-S4, the next-generation CMB observatory, will deploy hundreds of
thousands of detectors to enable mapping the millimeter-wavelength sky with
unprecedented speed. The large aperture telescopes for CMB-S4 consist of
six-meter diameter crossed Dragone designs and a five-meter diameter
three-mirror anastigmat. The two-mirror crossed Dragone design requires
astigmatism corrections in the refractive optics to achieve diffraction-limited
performance. We present biconic lens corrections for the CMB-S4 crossed Dragone
camera optics and compare these designs to the camera optics for the three
mirror anastigmat, as the optical designs of the cameras for these telescopes
are being prototyped.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Bradford Benson”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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