Warm and Fuzzy Dark Matter: Free Streaming of Wave Dark Matter

Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu

| First 5 Authors: Rayne Liu, Wayne Hu, Huangyu Xiao, ,

| Summary:

Wave or fuzzy dark matter that is produced with relativistic wavenumbers
exhibits free streaming effects analogous to warm or hot particle dark matter
with relativistic momenta. Axions produced after inflation provide such a warm
or mildly relativistic candidate, where the enhanced suppression and
observational bounds are only moderately stronger than that from wave
propagation of initially cold axions. More generally, the free streaming
damping also impacts isocurvature fluctuations from generation in causally
disconnected patches. As coherent spatial fluctuations free stream away they
leave incoherent and transient superpositions in their wakes. These multiple
wave momentum streams are the wave analogue of particle phase space
fluctuations or directional collisionless damping of massive neutrinos or hot
dark matter. The observable impact on both adiabatic and isocurvature
fluctuations of fuzzy dark matter can differ from their cold dark matter
counterparts due to free streaming depending on how warm or hot is their
momentum distribution.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Wayne Hu”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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