AToM-Bot: Embodied Fulfillment of Unspoken Human Needs with Affective Theory of Mind

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu

| First 5 Authors: Wei Ding, Fanhong Li, Ziteng Ji, Zhengrong Xue, Jia Liu

| Summary:

We propose AToM-Bot, a novel task generation and execution framework for
proactive robot-human interaction, which leverages the human mental and
physical state inference capabilities of the Vision Language Model (VLM)
prompted by the Affective Theory of Mind (AToM). Without requiring explicit
commands by humans, AToM-Bot proactively generates and follows feasible tasks
to improve general human well-being. When around humans, AToM-Bot first detects
current human needs based on inferred human states and observations of the
surrounding environment. It then generates tasks to fulfill these needs, taking
into account its embodied constraints. We designed 16 daily life scenarios
spanning 4 common scenes and tasked the same visual stimulus to 59 human
subjects and our robot. We used the similarity between human open-ended answers
and robot output, and the human satisfaction scores to metric robot
performance. AToM-Bot received high human evaluations in need detection
(6.42/7, 91.7%), embodied solution (6.15/7, 87.8%) and task execution (6.17/7,
88.1%). We show that AToM-Bot excels in generating and executing feasible plans
to fulfill unspoken human needs. Videos and code are available at

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jia Liu”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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