Gate-tunable phase transition in a bosonic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova

| First 5 Authors: Lukas Johannes Splitthoff, Miguel Carrera Belo, Guliuxin Jin, Yu Li, Eliska Greplova

| Summary:

Metamaterials engineered to host topological states of matter in controllable
quantum systems hold promise for the advancement of quantum simulations and
quantum computing technologies. In this context, the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH)
model has gained prominence due to its simplicity and practical applications.
Here, we present the implementation of a gate-tunable, five-unit-cell bosonic
SSH chain on a one-dimensional lattice of superconducting resonators. We
achieve electrostatic control over the inductive intra-cell coupling using
semiconductor nanowire junctions, which enables the spectroscopic observation
of a transition from a trivial to a topological phase in the engineered
metamaterial. In contrast to prior work, our approach offers precise and
independent in-situ tuning of the coupling parameters. Finally, we discuss the
robustness of the topological edge state against various disorder realizations.
Our results supplement efforts towards gate-controlled superconducting
electronics and large controllable bosonic lattices to enable quantum

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