Metropolitan-scale heralded entanglement of solid-state qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson

| First 5 Authors: Arian J. Stolk, Kian L. van der Enden, Marie-Christine Slater, Ingmar te Raa-Derckx, Pieter Botma

| Summary:

A key challenge towards future quantum internet technology is connecting
quantum processors at metropolitan scale. Here, we report on heralded
entanglement between two independently operated quantum network nodes separated
by 10km. The two nodes hosting diamond spin qubits are linked with a midpoint
station via 25km of deployed optical fiber. We minimize the effects of fiber
photon loss by quantum frequency conversion of the qubit-native photons to the
telecom L-band and by embedding the link in an extensible phase-stabilized
architecture enabling the use of the loss-resilient single-photon entangling
protocol. By capitalizing on the full heralding capabilities of the network
link in combination with real-time feedback logic on the long-lived qubits, we
demonstrate the delivery of a predefined entangled state on the nodes
irrespective of the heralding detection pattern. Addressing key scaling
challenges and being compatible with different qubit systems, our architecture
establishes a generic platform for exploring metropolitan-scale quantum

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Ronald Hanson”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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