FM-Fusion: Instance-aware Semantic Mapping Boosted by Vision-Language Foundation Models

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Chuhao Liu, Ke Wang, Jieqi Shi, Zhijian Qiao, Shaojie Shen | Summary: Semantic mapping based on the supervised object detectors is sensitive to image distribution. In real-world environments, the object detection and segmentation performance can lead to a major drop, preventing the use of semantic mapping in […]

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Gamma-ray Bursts as Distance Indicators by a Statistical Learning Approach

Kavli Affiliate: Vahe Petrosian | First 5 Authors: Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Aditya Narendra, Agnieszka Pollo, Vahe Petrosian, Malgorzata Bogdan | Summary: Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can be probes of the early universe, but currently, only 26% of GRBs observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory GRBs have known redshifts ($z$) due to observational limitations. To address […]

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Gamma-ray Bursts as Distance Indicators by a Machine Learning Approach

Kavli Affiliate: Vahe Petrosian | First 5 Authors: Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Aditya Narendra, Agnieszka Pollo, Vahe Petrosian, Malgorzata Bogdan | Summary: Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can be probes of the early universe, but currently, only 26% of GRBs observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory GRBs have known redshifts ($z$) due to observational limitations. To address […]

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Predictive Sequence Learning in the Hippocampal Formation

Kavli Affiliate: Terrence Sejnowski | Authors: Yusi Chen, Huanqiu Zhang, Mia Cameron and Terrence J Sejnowski | Summary: The hippocampus receives sequences of sensory inputs from the cortex during exploration and encodes the sequences with millisecond precision. We developed a predictive autoencoder model of the hippocampus including the trisynaptic and monosynaptic circuits from the entorhinal […]

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Substrate stiffness modulates the emergence and magnitude of senescence phenotypes

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Bartholomew Starich, Fan Yang, Derin Tanrioven, Heng-Chung Kung, Joanne Baek, Praful R. Nair, Pratik Kamat, Nico Macaluso, Joon Eoh, Kyu Sang Han, Luo Gu, Sean Sun, Pei-Hsun Wu, Denis Wirtz and Jude M. Phillip | Summary: Cellular senescence is a major driver of aging and disease. Here we show […]

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Brain-state mediated modulation of inter-laminar dependencies in visual cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy | Authors: Anirban Das, Alec G. Sheffield, Anirvan S. Nandy and Monika P. Jadi | Summary: Adaptive information processing, comprised of local computations and their efficient routing, is crucial for flexible brain function. Spatial attention is a quintessential example of this adaptive process. It is critical for recognizing and interacting with […]

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Performance of a Kinetic Inductance Phonon-Mediated Detector at the NEXUS Cryogenic Facility

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Dylan J Temples, Osmond Wen, Karthik Ramanathan, Taylor Aralis, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: Microcalorimeters that leverage microwave kinetic inductance detectors to read out phonon signals in the particle-absorbing target, referred to as kinetic inductance phonon-mediated (KIPM) detectors, offer an attractive detector architecture to probe dark matter (DM) […]

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Performance of a Kinetic Inductance Phonon-Mediated Detector at the NEXUS Cryogenic Facility

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Dylan J Temples, Osmond Wen, Karthik Ramanathan, Taylor Aralis, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: Microcalorimeters that leverage microwave kinetic inductance detectors to read out phonon signals in the particle-absorbing target, referred to as kinetic inductance phonon-mediated (KIPM) detectors, offer an attractive detector architecture to probe dark matter (DM) […]

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Mountable miniature microphones to identify and assign mouse ultrasonic vocalizations

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: Elena N Waidmann, Victor HY Yang, William C Doyle and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Vocal communication is a major component of animal social behavior. Vocalizations can be learned or innate, and can convey a variety of signals, including territorial limits, the presence of predators, or courtship intent. Mouse […]

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A TBX5-dependent compartment boundary patterns the cardiac interventricular septum – Copy

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: César D M Vargas, Rajvi K Agravat, Elena N Waidmann, Christodoulos Bochalis, Hector Bermudez, Theodoros Giannakopoulos and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Vocalization is a complex behavior ranging from fully innate to advanced vocal learning. Vocal learning species possess a vocal primary motor cortex (M1) region that makes direct […]

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