Workforce Development in Astronomy and Astroinformatics

Kavli Affiliate: Rana Adhikari

| First 5 Authors: Kartik Sheth, Kevin Govender, Vanessa McBride, Laura Trouille, Puji Irawati

| Summary:

Policy Brief on "Workforce Development in Astronomy and Astroinformatics",
distilled from the corresponding panel that was part of the discussions during
S20 Policy Webinar on Astroinformatics for Sustainable Development held on 6-7
July 2023.
The discipline of astronomy and astroinformatics is dynamically evolving
thereby creating a compelling opportunity to foster a more inclusive, diverse,
and proficient workforce. This is crucial for addressing multifaceted
challenges that emerge as we progress and harness the potential therein. To
realize this goal, it’s imperative to cultivate strategies that promote
inclusive practices in STEM education, encourage participation from
historically excluded groups, provide training and mentorship, as well as
provide active champions, especially for students and early career
professionals from (historically) excluded groups. We provide an overview of
the current status, resources available, and possible steps especially keeping
in mind large international projects.
The policy webinar took place during the G20 presidency in India (2023). A
summary based on the seven panels can be found here: arxiv:2401.04623.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Rana Adhikari”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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