Automated 3D analysis of social head-gaze behaviors in freely moving marmosets

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy | Authors: Feng Xing, Alec Graham Sheffield, Monika P. Jadi, Steve W. C. Chang and Anirvan S. Nandy | Summary: Social communication relies on the ability to perceive and interpret the direction of others’ attention, which is commonly conveyed through head orientation and gaze direction in both humans and non-human primates. […]

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Mice lacking Astn2 have ASD-like behaviors and altered cerebellar circuit properties

Kavli Affiliate: Mary E. Hatten | Authors: Michalina Hanzel, Kayla Fernando, Susan E Maloney, Shioaching Gong, Kärt Mätlik, Jiajia Zhao, H Amalia Pasolli, Søren Heissel, Joseph D Dougherty, Court Hull and Mary E Hatten | Summary: Astrotactin 2 (ASTN2) is a transmembrane neuronal protein highly expressed in the cerebellum that functions in receptor trafficking and […]

Continue.. Mice lacking Astn2 have ASD-like behaviors and altered cerebellar circuit properties

Evidence for Episodic Black Hole Growth of Reionization-Era Quasars observed with Magellan/FIRE

Kavli Affiliate: Robert A. Simcoe | First 5 Authors: Leah Bigwood, Anna-Christina Eilers, Robert A. Simcoe, , | Summary: Observations of high-redshift quasars hosting billion solar mass black holes at $zgtrsim6$ challenge our understanding of early supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth. In this work, we conduct a near-infrared spectroscopic study of $19$ quasars at $6.2lesssim […]

Continue.. Evidence for Episodic Black Hole Growth of Reionization-Era Quasars observed with Magellan/FIRE