Optimal control of interacting active particles on complex landscapes

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: Sumit Sinha, Vishaal Krishnan, L Mahadevan, , | Summary: Active many-body systems composed of many interacting degrees of freedom often operate out of equilibrium, giving rise to non-trivial emergent behaviors which can be functional in both evolved and engineered contexts. This naturally suggests the question of control […]

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Forecasting the BAO Measurements of the CSST galaxy and AGN Spectroscopic Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Haitao Miao, Yan Gong, Xuelei Chen, Zhiqi Huang, Xiao-Dong Li | Summary: The spectroscopic survey of China’s Space Survey Telescope (CSST) is expected to obtain a huge number of slitless spectra, including more than one hundred million galaxy spectra and millions of active galactic nuclei (AGN) spectra. […]

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Forecasting the BAO Measurements of the CSST galaxy and AGN Spectroscopic Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Haitao Miao, Yan Gong, Xuelei Chen, Zhiqi Huang, Xiao-Dong Li | Summary: The spectroscopic survey of the China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is expected to obtain a huge number of slitless spectra, including more than one hundred million galaxy spectra and millions of active galactic nuclei (AGN) […]

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Galaxy Formation and Symbiotic Evolution with the Inter-Galactic Medium in the Age of ELT-ANDES

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Valentina D’Odorico, James S. Bolton, Lise Christensen, Annalisa De Cia, Erik Zackrisson | Summary: High-resolution absorption spectroscopy toward bright background sources has had a paramount role in understanding early galaxy formation, the evolution of the intergalactic medium and the reionisation of the Universe. However, these studies are […]

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Galaxy Formation and Symbiotic Evolution with the Inter-Galactic Medium in the Age of ELT-ANDES

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Valentina D’Odorico, James S. Bolton, Lise Christensen, Annalisa De Cia, Erik Zackrisson | Summary: High-resolution absorption spectroscopy toward bright background sources has had a paramount role in understanding early galaxy formation, the evolution of the intergalactic medium and the reionisation of the Universe. However, these studies are […]

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StreamFlow: Streamlined Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation for Video Sequences

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: [#item_custom_name[1]], [#item_custom_name[2]], [#item_custom_name[3]], [#item_custom_name[4]], [#item_custom_name[5]] | Summary: Occlusions between consecutive frames have long posed a significant challenge in optical flow estimation. The inherent ambiguity introduced by occlusions directly violates the brightness constancy constraint and considerably hinders pixel-to-pixel matching. To address this issue, multi-frame optical flow methods leverage […]

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A Geometric Tension Dynamics Model of Epithelial Convergent Extension

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Nikolas H. Claussen, Fridtjof Brauns, Boris I. Shraiman, , | Summary: Convergent extension of epithelial tissue is a key motif of animal morphogenesis. On a coarse scale, cell motion resembles laminar fluid flow; yet in contrast to a fluid, epithelial cells adhere to each other and […]

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A Geometric Tension Dynamics Model of Epithelial Convergent Extension

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Nikolas H. Claussen, Fridtjof Brauns, Boris I. Shraiman, , | Summary: Epithelial tissue elongation by convergent extension is a key motif of animal morphogenesis. On a coarse scale, cell motion resembles laminar fluid flow; yet in contrast to a fluid, epithelial cells adhere to each other […]

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A Geometric Tension Dynamics Model of Epithelial Convergent Extension

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Nikolas H. Claussen, Fridtjof Brauns, Boris I. Shraiman, , | Summary: Epithelial tissue elongation by convergent extension is a key motif of animal morphogenesis. On a coarse scale, cell motion resembles laminar fluid flow; yet in contrast to a fluid, epithelial cells adhere to each other […]

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Low- and High-velocity ion{O}{6} in Milky Way-like Galaxies: the Role of Stellar Feedback

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Zhijie Zhang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Hui Li, Taotao Fang, Qingzheng Yu | Summary: Milky Way-type galaxies are surrounded by a warm-hot gaseous halo containing a considerable amount of baryons and metals. The kinematics and spatial distribution of highly-ionized ion species such as ion{O}{6} can be significantly affected by […]

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