High-Spectral Resolution Observations of the Optical Filamentary Nebula in NGC 1275

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Benjamin Vigneron, Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, Carter Lee Rhea, Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais, Jeremy Lim | Summary: We present new high-spectral resolution observations (R = $lambda/Deltalambda$ = 7000) of the filamentary nebula surrounding NGC 1275, the central galaxy of the Perseus cluster. These observations have been obtained with SITELLE, an imaging […]

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High-Spectral Resolution Observations of the Optical Filamentary Nebula in NGC 1275

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Benjamin Vigneron, Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, Carter Lee Rhea, Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais, Jeremy Lim | Summary: We present new high-spectral resolution observations (R = $lambda/Deltalambda$ = 7000) of the filamentary nebula surrounding NGC 1275, the central galaxy of the Perseus cluster. These observations have been obtained with SITELLE, an imaging […]

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SPY: A Magnet System for a High-pressure Gaseous TPC Neutrino Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Andrea Bersani, Alan D. Bross, Michael Crisler, Stefania Farinon, Christopher Hayes | Summary: We present a novel conceptual design for a magnet system that provides the magnetic field necessary for the analysis of tracks in a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC while simultaneously serving as a pressure vessel […]

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SPY: A Magnet System for a High-pressure Gaseous TPC Neutrino Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Andrea Bersani, Alan D. Bross, Michael Crisler, Stefania Farinon, Christopher Hayes | Summary: We present a novel conceptual design for a magnet system that provides the magnetic field necessary for the analysis of tracks in a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC while simultaneously serving as a pressure vessel […]

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SPY: A Magnet System for a High-pressure Gaseous TPC Neutrino Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Andrea Bersani, Alan D. Bross, Michael Crisler, Stefania Farinon, Christopher Hayes | Summary: We present a novel conceptual design for a magnet system that provides the magnetic field necessary for the analysis of tracks in a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC while simultaneously serving as a pressure vessel […]

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GaitContour: Efficient Gait Recognition based on a Contour-Pose Representation

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Yuxiang Guo, Anshul Shah, Jiang Liu, Rama Chellappa, Cheng Peng | Summary: Gait recognition holds the promise to robustly identify subjects based on walking patterns instead of appearance information. In recent years, this field has been dominated by learning methods based on two principal input representations: dense […]

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A 16 Parts per Trillion Comparison of the Antiproton-to-Proton q/m Ratios

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: M. J. Borchert, J. A. Devlin, S. E. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. A. Harrington | Summary: The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is both incredibly successful and glaringly incomplete. Among the questions left open is the striking imbalance of matter and antimatter in the observable universe […]

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Low-Temperature Transport Property of Spin-1/2 Random Heisenberg Chains

Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yuejiu Zhao, Long Zhang, , , | Summary: Quenched disorders can strongly influence the physical properties of quantum many-body systems. The real-space strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG) analysis has shown that the spin-1/2 random Heisenberg chain is controlled by the infinite-randomness fixed point (IRFP) and forms a random […]

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Low-Temperature Transport Property of Spin-1/2 Random Heisenberg Chains

Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yuejiu Zhao, Long Zhang, , , | Summary: Quenched disorders can strongly influence the physical properties of quantum many-body systems. The real-space strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG) analysis has shown that the spin-1/2 random Heisenberg chain is controlled by the infinite-randomness fixed point (IRFP) and forms a random […]

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Neural-Optic Co-Designed Polarization-Multiplexed Metalens for Compact Computational Spectral Imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Ting Xu | First 5 Authors: Qiangbo Zhang, Peicheng Lin, Chang Wang, Yang Zhang, Zeqing Yu | Summary: As the realm of spectral imaging applications extends its reach into the domains of mobile technology and augmented reality, the demands for compact yet high-fidelity systems become increasingly pronounced. Conventional methodologies, exemplified by coded aperture […]

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