Magnetism on the thermal dynamics of 2D antiferromagnetic membranes

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang

| First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Makars Siskins, Yaroslav Blanter, ,

| Summary:

We developed a theoretical scheme of incorporating the magnetoelastic
contribution into the thermal elastic dynamics for the thin membranes of 2D
antiferromagnetic material with restricted geometry. We extended the elastic
Gr"uneisen relation into an effective version which includes the magnetic
counterpart to the volume change of internal energy. Based on the specific heat
and thermal conductivity from the elastic and magnetic origins we predicted the
dependency of observables, such as effective Gr"uneisen parameter, thermal
expansion coefficient, and the damping factor, with respect to a wide range of
temperature across the phase transition. Our model of analysis as been
validated by applying to the case of FePS3 flake resonator and the theoretical
predictions fits well with the reported experiment data.

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