Anomalous superconducting diode effect in a polar superconductor

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents

| First 5 Authors: Robert Kealhofer, Hanbyeol Jeong, Arman Rashidi, Leon Balents, Susanne Stemmer

| Summary:

A superconductor with broken time reversal and inversion symmetry may exhibit
nonreciprocal charge transport, including a nonreciprocal critical current,
also known as superconducting diode effect. We report an intrinsic
superconducting diode effect in a polar strontium titanate film. Differential
resistance measurements reveal a superconducting state whose depairing current
is polarity dependent. There is, however, no measurable deviation from Ohmic
behavior, implying that this state does not arise from a bulk magnetochiral
anisotropy. In the entire measurement range, the only deviation from linearity
in the differential resistance is on the edge of the superconducting transition
at high magnetic fields, likely due to the motion of flux vortices.
Furthermore, the magnitude of the effect is preserved even when the in-plane
magnetic field is oriented parallel to the current, indicating that this effect
truly does not originate from a bulk magnetochiral anisotropy.

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