Directional detection of dark matter with anisotropic response functions

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky

| First 5 Authors: Christian Boyd, Yonit Hochberg, Yonatan Kahn, Eric David Kramer, Noah Kurinsky

| Summary:

Direct detection for sub-GeV dark matter is developing rapidly, with many
novel experimental ideas and theoretical methods emerging. In this work, we
extend the dielectric formalism for dark matter scattering to incorporate
anisotropic material responses, enabling directionally-sensitive experiments
with a broad class of target materials. Using a simple model of an anisotropic
electron gas, we demonstrate the importance of many-body effects such as the
plasmon, and show that even when the dark matter kinetic energies are much
smaller than the plasmon energy, the tail of an anisotropic plasmon can still
produce a sizeable daily modulation. We highlight the relevant experimental
techniques required to establish the target response, as well as the challenges
in extracting a response function which is truly free of modeling

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Noah Kurinsky”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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