Triplet Cooper pair splitting in a two-dimensional electron gas

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami

| First 5 Authors: Qingzhen Wang, Sebastiaan L. D. ten Haaf, Ivan Kulesh, Di Xiao, Candice Thomas

| Summary:

Cooper pairs occupy the ground state of typical s-wave superconductors and
are composed of maximally entangled electrons with opposite spin. In order to
study the spin and entanglement properties of these electrons, one must
separate them spatially via a process known as Cooper pair splitting (CPS).
Here we provide the first demonstration of CPS in a semiconductor
two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). By coupling two quantum dots to a
superconductor-semiconductor hybrid region we achieve efficient Cooper pair
splitting, and clearly distinguish it from other local and non-local processes.
In the presence of a magnetic field, the dots are operated as spin-filters to
obtain information about the spin of the electrons forming the Cooper pair. Not
only do we demonstrate the splitting of Cooper pairs into opposite-spin
electrons (i.e. singlet pairing), but also into equal-spin electrons, thus
achieving a triplet pairing between the quantum dots. Notably, the
exceptionally strong spin-orbit interaction in our 2DEGs, results in comparable
amplitudes of singlet and triplet pairing. The demonstration of singlet and
triplet CPS in 2DEGs opens the possibility to study on-chip entanglement and
topological superconductivity in the form of artificial Kitaev chains.

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