Structure of domain walls in chiral spin liquids

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore

| First 5 Authors: Yan-Qi Wang, Chunxiao Liu, Joel E. Moore, ,

| Summary:

The chiral spin liquid is one of the canonical examples of a topological
state of quantum spins coexisting with symmetry-breaking chiral order; its
experimental realization has been actively discussed in the past few years.
Here, motivated by the interplay between topology and symmetry breaking, we
examine the physics of the interface between two chiral spin liquid domains
with opposite chiralities. We show that a self-consistent mean-field
description for the spinons exists that describes both the change of chirality
at the domain wall and the gapless edge modes living on it. A Ginzburg–Landau
theory for the domain wall is formulated based on the mean-field picture, from
which we obtain the non-universal properties of the domain wall such as the
wall width and tension. We show that the velocity of the topologically
protected domain wall edge states can be accessed through the Jackiw-Rebbi
mechanism. We further argue that the gapless modes at the edge contribute an
extra, non-analytic $|phi^3|$ term to the domain wall theory, and find
numerical evidence for this non-analyticity.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Joel E. Moore”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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