HST-Based Lens Model of SDSS J1226+2152, in Preparation for JWST-ERS TEMPLATES

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders

| First 5 Authors: Keren Sharon, Catherine Cerny, Jane R. Rigby, Michael K. Florian, Matthew B. Bayliss

| Summary:

The strongly lensed z=2.9233 Lyman break galaxy, SGAS J122651.3+215220,
lensed by a cluster at z=0.4358, was first targeted by JWST as part of the
JWST-ERS program TEMPLATES: Targeting Extremely Magnified Panchromatic Lensed
Arcs and their Extended Star formation. Aiming to combine the exquisite
capabilities of JWST with the extreme magnification provided by strong
gravitational lensing, these observations will peer into galaxies at cosmic
noon and probe the building blocks of star formation. Here, we present an
Hubble Space Telescope strong lensing analysis, lens model, source-plane
interpretation, and the lensing outputs needed to analyze the JWST observations
in the context of the source’s intrinsic properties. The lens model outputs are
made publicly available to the community through the Mikulski Archive for Space
Telescopes (MAST) Portal.

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