Mid-Air Helicopter Delivery at Mars Using a Jetpack

Kavli Affiliate: Morteza Gharib | First 5 Authors: Jeff Delaune, Jacob Izraelevitz, Samuel Sirlin, David Sternberg, Louis Giersch | Summary: Mid-Air Helicopter Delivery (MAHD) is a new Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) architecture to enable in situ mobility for Mars science at lower cost than previous missions. It uses a jetpack to slow down a […]

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Enzyme-Responsive Nanoparticles for the Targeted Delivery of an MMP Inhibitor to the Heart post Myocardial Infarction

Kavli Affiliate: Karen Christman | Authors: Holly Sullivan, Yifei Liang, Kendra Worthington, Colin Luo, Nathan C Gianneschi and Karen Christman | Summary: In this paper, we describe block copolymer amphiphiles consisting of a hydrophilic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) peptide substrate, and a hydrophobic small molecule MMP inhibitor PD166793 for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. These […]

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Undersampled MRI Reconstruction with Side Information-Guided Normalisation

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Xinwen Liu, Jing Wang, Cheng Peng, Shekhar S. Chandra, Feng Liu | Summary: Magnetic resonance (MR) images exhibit various contrasts and appearances based on factors such as different acquisition protocols, views, manufacturers, scanning parameters, etc. This generally accessible appearance-related side information affects deep learning-based undersampled magnetic resonance […]

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Uncovering the true periods of the young sub-Neptunes orbiting TOI-2076

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Hugh P. Osborn, Andrea Bonfanti, Davide Gandolfi, Christina Hedges, Adrien Leleu | Summary: Context: TOI-2076 is a transiting three-planet system of sub-Neptunes orbiting a bright (G = 8.9 mag), young ($340pm80$ Myr) K-type star. Although a validated planetary system, the orbits of the two outer planets were […]

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RumorLens: Interactive Analysis and Validation of Suspected Rumors on Social Media

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Ran Wang, Kehan Du, Qianhe Chen, Yifei Zhao, Mojie Tang | Summary: With the development of social media, various rumors can be easily spread on the Internet and such rumors can have serious negative effects on society. Thus, it has become a critical task for social media […]

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