Magnetic Spirals in Accretion Flows Originated from Misaligned Magnetic Field

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Weixiao Wang, Miikka S. Väisälä, Hsien Shang, Ruben Krasnopolsky, Zhi-Yun Li | Summary: Misalignment between rotation and magnetic field has been suggested to be one type of physical mechanisms which can easen the effects of magnetic braking during collapse of cloud cores leading to formation of protostellar […]

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A Robust Hot Subdwarfs Identification Method Based on Deep Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Lei Tan, Ying Mei, Zhicun Liu, Yangping Luo, Hui Deng | Summary: Hot subdwarf star is a particular type of star that is crucial for studying binary evolution and atmospheric diffusion processes. In recent years, identifying Hot subdwarfs by machine learning methods has become a hot topic, […]

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