Floquet chiral hinge modes and their interplay with Weyl physics in a three-dimensional lattice

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Biao Huang, Viktor Novičenko, André Eckardt, Gediminas Juzeliūnas, | Summary: We demonstrate that a three dimensional time-periodically driven (Floquet) lattice can exhibit chiral hinge states and describe their interplay with Weyl physics. A peculiar type of the hinge states are enforced by the repeated boundary reflections with […]

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Determining Dark Matter-Electron Scattering Rates from the Dielectric Function

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Yonit Hochberg, Yonatan Kahn, Noah Kurinsky, Benjamin V. Lehmann, To Chin Yu | Summary: We show that the rate for dark matter-electron scattering in an arbitrary material is determined by an experimentally measurable quantity, the complex dielectric function, for any dark matter interaction that couples to electron […]

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Determining Dark Matter-Electron Scattering Rates from the Dielectric Function

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Yonit Hochberg, Yonatan Kahn, Noah Kurinsky, Benjamin V. Lehmann, To Chin Yu | Summary: We show that the rate for dark matter-electron scattering in an arbitrary material is determined by an experimentally measurable quantity, the complex dielectric function, for any dark matter interaction that couples to electron […]

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