Direct Observation of Thermalization to a Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Multimode Optical Fibers

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu, Nicholas Bender, Logan Wright | Summary: Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in nonlinear multimode optical systems where a host of intriguing effects have been observed that are impossible in single-mode settings. While nonlinearity can provide a rich environment […]

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Direct Measurement of Thermalization to Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Optical Beam Self-Cleaning

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu, Logan Wright, Demetrios Christodoulides | Summary: An equilibrium thermodynamic framework that describes highly-multimode optical processes was introduced recently. This theory predicts the outcomes of complex linear and nonlinear multimode interactions based on thermodynamic principles and provides analytic results for the distributions […]

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X-ray flares from the stellar tidal disruption by a candidate supermassive black hole binary

Kavli Affiliate: Fukun Liu | First 5 Authors: Xinwen Shu, Wenjie Zhang, Shuo Li, Ning Jiang, Liming Dou | Summary: Optical transient surveys have led to the discovery of dozens of stellar tidal disruption events (TDEs) by massive black hole in the centers of galaxies. Despite extensive searches, X-ray follow-up observations have produced no or […]

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X-ray flares from the stellar tidal disruption by a candidate supermassive black hole binary

Kavli Affiliate: Fukun Liu | First 5 Authors: Xinwen Shu, Wenjie Zhang, Shuo Li, Ning Jiang, Liming Dou | Summary: Optical transient surveys have led to the discovery of dozens of stellar tidal disruption events (TDEs) by massive black hole in the centers of galaxies. Despite extensive searches, X-ray follow-up observations have produced no or […]

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