Lacing topological orders in two dimensions: exactly solvable models for Kitaev’s sixteen-fold way

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Jin-Tao Jin, Jian-Jian Miao, Yi Zhou, , | Summary: A family of two-dimensional (2D) spin-1/2 models have been constructed to realize Kitaev’s sixteen-fold way of anyon theories. Defining a one-dimensional (1D) path through all the lattice sites, and performing the Jordan-Wigner transformation with the help of the […]

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Finite-Time Error Bounds for Greedy-GQ

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Yue Wang, Yi Zhou, Shaofeng Zou, , | Summary: Greedy-GQ with linear function approximation, originally proposed in cite{maei2010toward}, is a value-based off-policy algorithm for optimal control in reinforcement learning, and it has a non-linear two timescale structure with a non-convex objective function. This paper develops its finite-time […]

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Finite-Time Error Bounds for Greedy-GQ

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Yue Wang, Yi Zhou, Shaofeng Zou, , | Summary: Greedy-GQ with linear function approximation, originally proposed in cite{maei2010toward}, is a value-based off-policy algorithm for optimal control in reinforcement learning, and it has a non-linear two timescale structure with the non-convex objective function. This paper develops its tightest […]

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Federated XGBoost on Sample-Wise Non-IID Data

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Katelinh Jones, Yuya Jeremy Ong, Yi Zhou, Nathalie Baracaldo, | Summary: Federated Learning (FL) is a paradigm for jointly training machine learning algorithms in a decentralized manner which allows for parties to communicate with an aggregator to create and train a model, without exposing the underlying raw […]

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Cross Entropy Benchmark for Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Yijian Zou, Paolo Glorioso, Ehud Altman, Matthew P. A. Fisher | Summary: We investigate the prospects of employing the linear cross-entropy to experimentally access measurement-induced phase transitions (MIPT) without requiring any postselection of quantum trajectories. For two random circuits that are identical in […]

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Cross Entropy Benchmark for Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Yijian Zou, Paolo Glorioso, Ehud Altman, Matthew P. A. Fisher | Summary: We investigate the prospects of employing the linear cross-entropy to experimentally access measurement-induced phase transitions (MIPT) without requiring any postselection of quantum trajectories. For two random circuits that are identical in […]

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Generalized persistence of entropy weak solutions for system of hyperbolic conservation laws

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Yi Zhou, , , , | Summary: Let $u(t,x)$ be the solution to the Cauchy problem of a scalar conservation law in one space dimension. It is well known that even for smooth initial data the solution can become discontinuous in finite time and global entropy weak […]

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A Transferable Multi-stage Model with Cycling Discrepancy Learning for Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Yan Qin, Chau Yuen, Xunyuan Yin, Biao Huang, | Summary: As a significant ingredient regarding health status, data-driven state-of-health (SOH) estimation has become dominant for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). To handle data discrepancy across batteries, current SOH estimation models engage in transfer learning (TL), which reserves apriori knowledge […]

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Breaking down the magnonic Wiedemann-Franz law in the hydrodynamic regime

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Ryotaro Sano, Mamoru Matsuo, , , | Summary: Recent experiments have shown an indication of a hydrodynamic magnon behavior in ultrapure ferromagnetic insulators; however, its direct observation is still lacking. Here, we derive a set of coupled hydrodynamic equations and study the thermal and spin conductivities for […]

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Breaking down the magnonic Wiedemann-Franz law in the hydrodynamic regime

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Ryotaro Sano, Mamoru Matsuo, , , | Summary: Recent experiments have shown an indication of a hydrodynamic magnon behavior in ultrapure ferromagnetic insulators; however, its direct observation is still lacking. Here, we derive a set of coupled hydrodynamic equations and study the thermal and spin conductivities for […]

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