Increased mutation rate and interlocus gene conversion within human segmental duplications.

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Mitchell R. Vollger, William S. DeWitt, Philip C. Dishuck, William T. Harvey, Xavi Guitart, Michael E. Goldberg, Allison Rozanski, Julian Lucas, Mobin Asri, The Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, Katherine M. Munson, Alexandra P. Lewis, Kendra Hoekzema, Glennis A. Logsdon, David Porubsky, Benedict Paten, Kelley Harris, PingHsun Hsieh and Evan […]

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Uncertainty alters the balance between incremental learning and episodic memory

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy | Authors: Jonathan Nicholas, Nathaniel Douglass Daw and Daphna Shohamy | Summary: A key question in decision making is how humans arbitrate between competing learning and memory systems to maximize reward. We address this question by probing the balance between the effects, on choice, of incremental trial-and-error learning versus episodic memories […]

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Rotating Frame Relaxation for Magic Angle Spinning Solid State NMR, A Promising Tool for Characterizing Biopolymer Motion

Kavli Affiliate: Ann McDermott | Authors: Ann E McDermott and Eric G Keeler | Summary: Magic angle spinning NMR rotating frame relaxation measurements provide a powerful experimental strategy to probe biomolecules dynamics, as is illustrated by numerous recent applications. We discuss experimental strategies for this class of experiments, with a particular focus on systems where […]

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Nuclear architecture protein Distal antenna balances genome-binding and phase-separation properties to regulate neuroblast competence

Kavli Affiliate: Minoree Kohwi | Authors: Gillie Benchorin, Maggie Jiaqi Li, Richard Jangwon Cho, Yuxin Hu and Minoree Kohwi | Summary: Neural progenitors transit through multiple competence states that restrict production of each neural cell type. In Drosophila neuroblasts, a timed genome reorganization relocates the cell fate gene, hunchback, to the nuclear periphery, terminating competence […]

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High-resolution magic angle spinning NMR of KcsA in liposomes: the highly mobile C-terminus

Kavli Affiliate: Ann McDermott | Authors: Ann E McDermott and Gary Stanley Howarth II | Summary: The structure of the transmembrane domain of bacterial potassium channel KcsA has been extensively characterized, yet little information is available on the structure of its cytosolic N- and C-termini. This study presents high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) and fractional […]

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Targeted cortical stimulation reveals principles of cortical contextual interactions

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Shen Wang, Agostina Palmigiano, Kenneth D Miller and Stephen David Van Hooser | Summary: Cross-orientation suppression is a classic form of contextual normalization in visual cortex, yet the degree to which cortical circuits participate in the normalization computation is unclear. We visualized orientation maps of individual ferrets, and provided […]

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An Internal Model of Sensorimotor Context in Freely Swimming Electric Fish

Kavli Affiliate: Nathaniel Sawtell | Authors: Avner Wallach and Nathaniel B Sawtell | Summary: Nervous systems are hypothesized to learn and store internal models that predict the sensory consequences of motor actions. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms for generating accurate predictions under real-world conditions in which the sensory consequences of action depend […]

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Motor cortical influence relies on task-specific activity covariation

Kavli Affiliate: Costa, Rui | Authors: Claire L Warriner, Samaher Fageiry, Shreya Saxena, Rui M Costa and Andrew Miri | Summary: During limb movement, spinal circuits facilitate the alternating activation of antagonistic flexor and extensor muscles. Yet antagonist cocontraction is often required to stabilize joints, like when loads are handled. Previous results suggest that these […]

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Reconstructing the cascade of language processing in the brain using the internal computations of a transformer-based language model

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Hawkins | Authors: Sreejan Kumar, Theodore R. Sumers, Takateru Yamakoshi, Ariel Goldstein, Uri Hasson, Kenneth A. Norman, Thomas L. Griffiths, Robert D. Hawkins and Samuel A. Nastase | Summary: Piecing together the meaning of a narrative requires understanding not only the individual words but also the intricate relationships between them. How does […]

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Recording large-scale, cellular-resolution neuronal activity from freely-moving mice

Kavli Affiliate: Aniruddha Das | Authors: Aniruddha Das, Sarah Holden, Julie Borovicka, Jacob Icardi, Davina Patel, Rushik Patel, Jacob Raber and Hod Dana | Summary: To date, recording of cellular-resolution activity from awake mice has required either head fixation under a microscope or attaching a miniaturized device to the skull, both of which inevitably affect […]

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