Jetting to dripping transition: critical aspect ratio in step emulsifiers

Kavli Affiliate: David Weitz | First 5 Authors: Andrea Montessori, Marco Lauricella, Elad Stolovicki, David Weitz, Sauro Succi | Summary: Fully three-dimensional, time-dependent, direct simulations of the non-ideal Navier-Stokes equations for a two-component fluid, shed light into the mechanism which inhibits droplet breakup in step emulsifiers below a critical threshold of the the width-to-height ($w/h$) […]

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Untethered microbot powered by giant magnetoelastic strain

Kavli Affiliate: Zhigang Suo | First 5 Authors: Yukun Xia, Jikun Wang, Ruisen Yang, Tongqing Lu, Tiejun Wang | Summary: Magnetic elastomers deform under a magnetic field, working as a soft actuator. Untethered microbot made of magnetic elastomers have great potentials in performing medical tasks inside human body as mini doctors. However, the lack of […]

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Regularized lattice Boltzmann Multicomponent models for low Capillary and Reynolds microfluidics flows

Kavli Affiliate: David Weitz | First 5 Authors: Andrea Montessori, Marco Lauricella, Michele La Rocca, Sauro Succi, Elad Stolovicki | Summary: We present a regularized version of the color gradient lattice Boltzmann (LB) scheme for the simulation of droplet formation in microfluidic devices of experimental relevance. The regularized version is shown to provide computationally efficient […]

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Percolation lithography: Tuning and freezing disorder in 3D photonic crystals using partial wetting and drying

Kavli Affiliate: Anna V. Shneidman | First 5 Authors: Ian B. Burgess, Navid Abedzadeh, Theresa M. Kay, Anna V. Shneidman, Derek J. Cranshaw | Summary: Although complex, hierarchical nanoscale geometries with tailored degrees of disorder are commonly found in biological systems, few simple self-assembly routes to fabricating synthetic analogues have been identified. We present two […]

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Long-Lived Distributed Relative Localization of Robot Swarms

Kavli Affiliate: Radhika Nagpal | First 5 Authors: Alejandro Cornejo, Radhika Nagpal, , , | Summary: This paper studies the problem of having mobile robots in a multi-robot system maintain an estimate of the relative position and relative orientation of near-by robots in the environment. This problem is studied in the context of large swarms […]

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Microwave Dielectric Heating of Drops in Microfluidic Devices

Kavli Affiliate: David Weitz | First 5 Authors: David Issadore, Katherine J. Humphry, Keith A. Brown, Lori Sandberg, David Weitz | Summary: We present a technique to locally and rapidly heat water drops in microfluidic devices with microwave dielectric heating. Water absorbs microwave power more efficiently than polymers, glass, and oils due to its permanent […]

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Swimming in circles: Motion of bacteria near solid boundaries

Kavli Affiliate: George M. Whitesides | First 5 Authors: Eric Lauga, Willow R. DiLuzio, George M. Whitesides, Howard A. Stone, | Summary: Near a solid boundary, E. coli swims in clockwise circular motion. We provide a hydrodynamic model for this behavior. We show that circular trajectories are natural consequences of force-free and torque-free swimming, and […]

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Coupled Two-Way Clustering Analysis of Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer Gene Expression Data

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Wood | First 5 Authors: Gad Getz, Hilah Gal, Itai Kela, Eytan Domany, Dan A. Notterman | Summary: We present and review Coupled Two Way Clustering, a method designed to mine gene expression data. The method identifies submatrices of the total expression matrix, whose clustering analysis reveals partitions of samples (and genes) […]

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