Hands-on Introduction to Randomized Benchmarking

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Ana Silva, Eliska Greplova, , , | Summary: The goal of this tutorial is to provide an overview of the main principles behind randomized benchmarking techniques. A newcomer to the field faces the challenge that a considerable amount of background knowledge is required to get familiar with […]

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Reducing disorder in Ge quantum wells by using thick SiGe barriers

Kavli Affiliate: Giordano Scappucci | First 5 Authors: Davide Costa, Lucas E. A. Stehouwer, Yi Huang, Sara Martí-Sánchez, Davide Degli Esposti | Summary: We investigate the disorder properties of two-dimensional hole gases in Ge/SiGe heterostructures grown on Ge wafers, using thick SiGe barriers to mitigate the influence of the semiconductor-dielectric interface. Across several heterostructure field […]

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Reducing disorder in Ge quantum wells by using thick SiGe barriers

Kavli Affiliate: Giordano Scappucci | First 5 Authors: Davide Costa, Lucas E. A. Stehouwer, Yi Huang, Sara Martí-Sánchez, Davide Degli Esposti | Summary: We investigate the disorder properties of two-dimensional hole gases in Ge/SiGe heterostructures grown on Ge wafers, using thick SiGe barriers to mitigate the influence of the semiconductor-dielectric interface. Across several heterostructure field […]

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Nonlinearity of transparent SNS weak links decreases sharply with length

Kavli Affiliate: Anton R. Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Valla Fatemi, Pavel D. Kurilovich, Anton R. Akhmerov, Bernard van Heck, | Summary: Superconductor-normal material-superconductor (SNS) junctions are being integrated into microwave circuits for fundamental and applied research goals. The short junction limit is a common simplifying assumption for experiments with SNS junctions, but this limit […]

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Nonlinearity of transparent SNS weak links decreases sharply with length

Kavli Affiliate: Anton R. Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Valla Fatemi, Pavel D. Kurilovich, Anton R. Akhmerov, Bernard van Heck, | Summary: Superconductor-normal material-superconductor (SNS) junctions are being integrated into microwave circuits for fundamental and applied research goals. The short junction limit is a common simplifying assumption for experiments with SNS junctions, but this limit […]

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Edge and bulk states in a three-site Kitaev chain

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Sebastiaan L. D. ten Haaf, Yining Zhang, Qingzhen Wang, Alberto Bordin, Chun-Xiao Liu | Summary: A chain of quantum dots (QDs) coupled via semiconductor-superconductor hybrid regions can form an artificial Kitaev chain hosting Majorana bound states (MBSs). These zero-energy states are expected to be localised on the […]

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Quantum resources of quantum and classical variational methods

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Thomas Spriggs, Arash Ahmadi, Bokai Chen, Eliska Greplova, | Summary: Variational techniques have long been at the heart of atomic, solid-state, and many-body physics. They have recently extended to quantum and classical machine learning, providing a basis for representing quantum states via neural networks. These methods generally […]

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Exploring Biological Neuronal Correlations with Quantum Generative Models

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Vinicius Hernandes, Eliska Greplova, , , | Summary: Understanding of how biological neural networks process information is one of the biggest open scientific questions of our time. Advances in machine learning and artificial neural networks have enabled the modeling of neuronal behavior, but classical models often require […]

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Control of solid-state nuclear spin qubits using an electron spin-1/2

Kavli Affiliate: Tim H. Taminiau | First 5 Authors: Hans K. C. Beukers, Christopher Waas, Matteo Pasini, Hendrik B. van Ommen, Nina Codreanu | Summary: Solid-state quantum registers consisting of optically active electron spins with nearby nuclear spins are promising building blocks for future quantum technologies. For electron spin-1 registers, dynamical decoupling (DD) quantum gates […]

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Control of solid-state nuclear spin qubits using an electron spin-1/2

Kavli Affiliate: Tim H. Taminiau | First 5 Authors: Hans K. C. Beukers, Christopher Waas, Matteo Pasini, Hendrik B. van Ommen, Zarije Ademi | Summary: Solid-state quantum registers consisting of optically active electron spins with nearby nuclear spins are promising building blocks for future quantum technologies. For electron spin-1 registers, dynamical decoupling (DD) quantum gates […]

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