Hardware-efficient quantum error correction using concatenated bosonic qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harald Putterman, Kyungjoo Noh, Connor T. Hann, Gregory S. MacCabe, Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi | Summary: In order to solve problems of practical importance, quantum computers will likely need to incorporate quantum error correction, where a logical qubit is redundantly encoded in many noisy physical qubits. The large physical-qubit […]

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Thermo-mechanical Properties of Hierarchical Biocomposite Materials from Photosynthetic Microorganisms

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Israel Kellersztein, Daniel Tish, John Pederson, Martin Bechthold, Chiara Daraio | Summary: Extrusion 3D-printing of biopolymers and natural fiber-based biocomposites allows for the fabrication of complex structures, ranging from gels for healthcare applications to eco-friendly structural materials. However, traditional polymer extrusion demands high-energy consumption to pre-heat the […]

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MindGuard: Towards Accessible and Sitgma-free Mental Health First Aid via Edge LLM

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Sijie Ji, Xinzhe Zheng, Jiawei Sun, Renqi Chen, Wei Gao | Summary: Mental health disorders are among the most prevalent diseases worldwide, affecting nearly one in four people. Despite their widespread impact, the intervention rate remains below 25%, largely due to the significant cooperation required from patients […]

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Neurovascular Impulse Response Function (IRF) during spontaneous activity differentially reflects intrinsic neuromodulation across cortical regions

Kavli Affiliate: David Kleinfeld | Bradley C. Rauscher, Natalie Fomin-Thunemann, Sreekanth Kura, Patrick R. Doran, Pablo D. Perez, Kıvılcım Kılıç, Emily A. Martin, Dora Balog, Nathan X. Chai, Francesca A. Froio, Patrick F. Bloniasz, Kate E. Herrema, Rockwell Tang, Scott G. Knudstrup, Andrew Garcia, John X. Jiang, Jeffrey P. Gavornik, David Kleinfeld, Michael E. Hasselmo, […]

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Impact of Stain Variation and Color Normalization for Prognostic Predictions in Pathology

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Siyu, Lin, Haowen Zhou, Richard J. Cote, Mark Watson | Summary: In recent years, deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in pathology applications, potentially even outperforming expert pathologists due to their ability to learn subtle features from large datasets. One complication in preparing digital pathology […]

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KiloBot: A Programming Language for Deploying Perception-Guided Industrial Manipulators at Scale

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, Jingqiang Wang, Xinv Zhu, Jun Zhong, Yue Shen | Summary: We would like industrial robots to handle unstructured environments with cameras and perception pipelines. In contrast to traditional industrial robots that replay offline-crafted trajectories, online behavior planning is required for these perception-guided industrial applications. Aside […]

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KiloBot: A Programming Language for Deploying Perception-Guided Industrial Manipulators at Scale

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, Jingqiang Wang, Xinv Zhu, Jun Zhong, Yue Shen | Summary: We would like industrial robots to handle unstructured environments with cameras and perception pipelines. In contrast to traditional industrial robots that replay offline-crafted trajectories, online behavior planning is required for these perception-guided industrial applications. Aside […]

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A Principal Square Response Forward Regression Method for Dimension Reduction

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Zheng Li, Yunhao Wang, Wei Gao, Hon Keung Tony Ng, | Summary: Dimension reduction techniques, such as Sufficient Dimension Reduction (SDR), are indispensable for analyzing high-dimensional datasets. This paper introduces a novel SDR method named Principal Square Response Forward Regression (PSRFR) for estimating the central subspace of […]

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NEW-MUSIC: The Next-generation Extended-Wavelength Multiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Sunil R. Golwala, Andrew D. Beyer, Daniel Cunnane, Peter K. Day, Fabien Defrance | Summary: The Next-generation Extended Wavelength-MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (NEW-MUSIC) on the Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (LCT) will be a first-of-its-kind, six-band, transmillimeter-wave ("trans-mm") polarimeter covering 2.4 octaves of spectral bandwidth to open a […]

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NEW-MUSIC: The Next-generation Extended-Wavelength Multiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Sunil R. Golwala, Andrew D. Beyer, Daniel Cunnane, Peter K. Day, Fabien Defrance | Summary: The Next-generation Extended Wavelength-MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (NEW-MUSIC) on the Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (LCT) will be a first-of-its-kind, six-band, transmillimeter-wave ("trans-mm") polarimeter covering 2.4 octaves of spectral bandwidth to open a […]

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